Obama: Republicans follow ‘nativist trend’ on immigration

WASHINGTON TIMES — President Obama says his recent executive actions granting millions of illegal immigrants temporary amnesty could spur Republicans to work together with Democrats on the issue, but if they solidify what he called a “nativist trend” in parts of the Republican Party, there probably won’t be much progress.

“If your view is that immigrants are either fundamentally bad to the country or that we actually have the option of deporting 11 million immigrants, regardless of the disruptions, regardless of the cost, and that that is who we are as Americans, I reject that,” Mr. Obama told NPR.

On the other hand, he said, there is potential for working together on the issue, though Republicans have vowed to fight his recently-announced executive actions when the new Congress returns next month.

“So, the question then becomes, by me having taken these actions, does that spur those voices in the Republican Party who I think genuinely believe immigration is good for our country? Does it spur them to work once again with Democrats and my administration to get a reasonable piece of legislation done?” he said.

“Or does it simply solidify what I do think is a nativist trend in parts of the Republican party? And if it’s the latter, then probably we’re not going to get much more progress done, and it’ll be a major debate in the next presidential election,” he continued.

Mr. Obama said the country has more resources, border police, and money devoted to the borders than at any time in the past several decades and that the flow of illegal workers is about half of what it was and is lower than any time since the 1970s.

“So, you know, you have to describe specifically what are the concerns that you’ve got,” he said.


  1. greyhound bus says
  2. Obama hasn’t just gone insane, he has been since before he ran for President.

    Yesterday he said this: there is less racial tension now than before I was elected…

    Barry would do very well taking the place of President taking the position of his uncle Obongo in Kenya. The man is a despot, and is not much different than those strong men who have taken over the dictator ship in third world nations … well with exception of him folding and apologizing to our enemies, and reducing our armed forces, most despots build their armies and starve the people.

  3. We can do what Ike did and use freighters to deport them..its cheaper and it works

  4. sherri palmer says

    or we can throw them in the rio grand and tell them to swim for it…

  5. There would be issue is we did have a defuse that is pushing it so he cane run the country further into debt. This country has a method and process for entering the country. why can’t the illegals follow it like many others..

  6. sherri palmer says

    that would be a great question for you to ask the terrorist in the WH…

  7. Rob theisen says

    The President is an idiot..What we can’t afford is more illegals taking American jobs and sucking up taxpayer resources..We have to start hitting those who hire these illegals hard..once we get rid of the job magnet and take all welfare away the illegals can go back where they came from (and apply legally if they like) saving the taxpayer trillions and opening up around 11 million jobs to the Americans who are out of work..

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