No Surprise: Most Illegals Skip Immigration Hearings

84% of illegals allowed to roam free in the U.S. while they await deportation hearings never show up for the hearing according to new figures just released by the Department of Justice Executive Office of Immigration Review.

Meanwhile, 70% of detained illegal aliens did show up for their hearing before an immigration judge.

“That strategy is obviously a complete failure because such a high percentage of these people who were not detained have simply melted into the larger illegal population and have no fear of immigration enforcement,” said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies.



The figure clearly show illegal aliens who can melt into the general population face little chance of facing immigration justice and most would rather live as an illegal alien then take the chance of staying in a facility and facing a judge.

The data set from the Department of Justice looks at all women and children detained from Central America beginning July 18, 2014, when Obama declared the immigrants to be an enforcement priority and ordered the courts to treat them on a priority basis.


Since then, ICE detained 83,385 adults and children and completed 24,842 cases. Of those, more than 64 percent, or 16,136, didn’t show up for court, and fewer than 4 percent, or 908, agreed to leave voluntarily.


But compare the number of removals for women and children who were detained against those who were not. Among those families who were allowed to remain free after their initial appearance in court, 84 percent never showed up again for their case. They remain free, scattered in cities across America. By contrast, 70 percent of those detained did show up before a judge.


“These figures are very strong evidence that the Border Patrol was right all along, that these people were coming because they knew they would be allowed to stay, that they were not planning to make some kind of plea for humanitarian status such as asylum,” said Vaughan.



  1. WiSe GuY says

    Anything out of 0bama is a failure

  2. TexRancher says

    All part of Obama’s plan to destroy this country by overwhelming us with ILLEGAL FOREIGN NATIONALS. That’s violating his oath of office at best, treason more like it!
    Obama needs to see the inside of a federal prison!

  3. catherinedeanni says

    If you go before a judge you may get deported, but if you just stay, you will still get food stamps, healthcare, your children get an education and in some states you can vote. If you get stopped by the police they just turn you over to ICE and let go. So is it better to just break our laws or take the chance you may be sent home? Your have a better change if you have a child that is born here to stay here, which also cover all of your family members. Our immigration laws have been made useless by the greed of a few.

  4. They came and will continue to come because they are not removed and know that they can live here on the taxpayers backs!

  5. the American says

    Exactly, right in line with all the illegal excrement that has so much respect for American law……directly indicative of the heart of a corrupt cartel culture….Americans don’t want it.

  6. The only way to stop this insanity is to pass mandatory E-Verify. But, I won’t hold my breath.


  1. […] a report issued earlier this week showed that 84% of illegals released from custody never show up to hearings.  Letting illegals go and making their bond lower will drive this figure […]

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