Political columnist Michelle Malkin destroys the Big Business myth that H1-B visas for foreign tech workers create jobs in the United States. The myths are recycled and regurgitated by the likes of Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, who claims that “foreign-born STEM workers complement the American workforce, they don’t take American jobs.” Bill Gates, citing the […]
Fine Them Twice What They Make from Hiring Illegals Says Christie
Republican presidential contender Chris Christie offered a new solution to the illegal alien employment problem by suggesting raising the penalties for employing illegals to twice the profit made by using illegal alien labor. Responding to a question from Fox News contributor Sean Hannity, Christie said: “That’s how you deal with the 11 million, Sean, if you […]
Illegal Immigrant, Deported 3 Times, Charged With Running Over Police Officer
A man deported from the United States three times is accused of running over a Dallas police officer and backing into a second cop. The illegal immigrant, Eduardo Gonzalez-Rio, is being held in the Dallas County Jail, according to The Dallas Morning News. Gonzalez-Rio, 29, was escorted out of a nightclub early Monday morning. He got […]
Why Won’t Anyone Ask Marco Rubio About His Support for Amnesty?
Conservative columnist Ann Coulter asks the obvious question (that not a single debate moderator has the insight to ask): We have now had the fourth straight Republican debate in which Rubio was not asked one question about his single legislative accomplishment: Passing amnesty in the U.S. Senate. Rubio was Sen. Chuck Schumer’s patsy on the […]