Hillary Clinton vows to expand Obama’s amnesty

Many Americans don’t believe Barack Obama has the authority to offer blanket amnesty to the millions of immigrants living illegally in the United States, but that’s not stopping Hillary Clinton. On Cinco de Mayo in Las Vegas, she told a group of Hispanic voters that she would go even further than Obama in using executive […]

Illegals Push Political Agenda

They can’t vote legally but a coalition of illegal aliens is making demands of the American political system in the run up to the next Presidential election. An outfit called the Dream Action Coalition released their list of demands recently. Any presidential candidate who wants to win Hispanic votes next year will need to pledge […]

Rasmussen poll: Americans value border security over immigration reform

A new Rasmussen Reports poll has found that support for border security among likely voters is at a 4-year high, eclipsing support for immigration reform: [M]ost voters — 63 percent — continue to say that border security is more important than legalizing or providing a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the United […]

GOP Surrenders Over Amnesty Funding

The inside-the-Beltway publication Politico reported today: Hill Republicans have all but surrendered the fight against President Barack Obama’s executive actions on immigration. Despite holding majorities in both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate and despite electoral results which indicate those majorities were won in part to block President Obama’s illegal alien amnesty, GOP leaders are […]