Illegals Push Political Agenda

They can’t vote legally but a coalition of illegal aliens is making demands of the American political system in the run up to the next Presidential election.

An outfit called the Dream Action Coalition released their list of demands recently.

Any presidential candidate who wants to win Hispanic votes next year will need to pledge to take unilateral action to halt deportations, to break the links that allow local police to help enforce immigration laws and to stop prosecuting rank-and-file illegal immigrants at the border, a group of Dreamers said in a new policy paper Tuesday.

Essentially, these non-citizens are asking the United States to abandon its borders and sovereignty  to anyone who happens to wander into the country.

the coalition issued a policy paper laying out changes in both interior and border enforcement. The Dreamers said agent brutality is a growing problem, comparing it to recent high-profile police shootings. And the activists said the government’s policies are too geared toward arresting, detaining and prosecuting rank-and-file illegal immigrants.

Apparently, the Coalition is miffed the United States is trying to enforce its democratically-created laws against the massive law breaking by illegals every single day.



  1. VictorLandry says


  2. Illegal aliens have more representation in congress than you and I do !

    Why is that happening ? Wake up people.

  3. Abiathar says

    Deport them in mass and any others wanting to let them stay. Shut down welfare they will all leave.

  4. Just say NO to these PARASITES… It’s that Simple!

  5. sherri palmer says

    Tell them we are sending them on a vacation, put them on a plane and drop them off in the middle east, anywhere!

  6. usmcltc says

    This group does not have to worry, as Obama will try to give them everything they want at the expense of citizens and legal immigrants.

  7. Nonameever says

    They can’t vote legally but Hillary Clinton demands the DNC prepare prefilled absentee ballots with Self Address Stamped Envelopes for return at no cost, to make certain that every illegal alien votes DNC

  8. Nonameever says

    They bring in the good stuff and 95 percent of Mexico is Catholic so they have the Catholic Church support, the overwhelming largest funding from Congress annually–Catholic Charities, who then uses public funding for unknown purposes (no accountability)

  9. Nonameever says

    If Catholic Charities must have massive funding from Congress annually, require disclosure of where that money goes–it probably funds illegal immigration and petitioning Congress

  10. Nonameever says

    We fund Catholic Charities and where do the Catholics spend all that money?

  11. Ltl Paa says

    Why are we funding the Catholic Church? They have tons of their own money!

  12. usmcltc says

    I do not know were they spend their money, but, from what I read, the Republicans have been opposed to this in past years, as they feel funds should come from private donations, not the government. It is not like the Catholics are broke and need financial help to fund their charity work.

  13. not try , he already does

  14. They vote in every election in very large numbers ! What difference does it make if it is done illegally, their votes are still counted and used against you ?

  15. better to simply seal the borders and start there. Then take away all the freebies and most will leave !

    Not very complicated , Hey ?

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