Has the Obama administration actually succeeded in curbing the tide of illegal immigrant children flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border? Officials seem to think so, as the number of children crossing the border has dropped 58% from the surge in summer 2014: Thousands of children are still being caught, but it’s a slower and more regular […]
Obama Prepping 9 Million Green Card Holders to Vote in 2016
J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department attorney, explains how the Obama Administration is using every trick in the book to get as many legal and illegal immigrants as possible signed up to vote in time for election day 2016. The Obama administration is doing everything it can to inject new voters in the […]
Border Patrol arrests 73 illegals near Texas-Mexico border
U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested a whopping 73 illegals for crossing into the United States near Del Rio, Texas last week: Border Patrol agents near Comstock, a border town west of Del Rio, found footprints belonging to a large group Thursday morning. Agents followed the trail for about 30 minutes before locating the group near […]
Jeb Bush: Show “Respect” to Illegal Immigrants
Was Chris Matthews correct when he said Jeb Bush is the most pro-immigrant politician in either party? Jeb’s latest asks Americans to show “respect” for illegal aliens, the same people who show utter contempt for American immigration law and are now demanding all manner of taxpayer-sponsored goodies. Likely Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said the […]