Dems Demand Detained Illegals Be Released

130 House Democrats have signed a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson demanding the immediate release of illegal immigrant families held in detention facilities. Wednesday’s letter is led by Democratic Reps. Zoe Lofgren of California, Lucille Roybal-Allard of California and Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, who all play key roles for House Democrats on the […]

Scott Walker: Gov Would Send Navy if Illegals Were Swarming Seaports Instead of Border

Leading GOP Presidential contender Gov. Scott Walker talked tough on illegal immigration over the Memorial Day weekend. In an interview with, Walker described his trip to the Southern Border with Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas This is a matter of national security. This is truly a matter national sovereignty, in that if we were […]

Ann Coulter says immigrants are worse than ISIS in contentious interview

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter sat down with Fusion’s Jorge Ramos to discuss her views on illegal immigration and immigration reform, and to say the interview was contentious is putting it lightly. They sparred over the true number of illegals living in the United States — Ramos insisted it’s 11 million while Coulter contested it’s actually […]

Obama Loses! Appeals Court Upholds Injunction Against Obama’s Executive Amnesty

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals sided with Federal judge Andrew Hanen to keep his injunction in place blocking Obama’s executive action saying “Mr. Obama’s amnesty likely broke the law governing how big policies are to be written.” “The public interest favors maintenance of the injunction,” the judges wrote in the majority opinion. Texas and […]