Majority of Democrats Say Illegals Should Be Allowed to Vote

A new Rasmussen poll shows a majority of self-identified Democrats believe illegal aliens should be allowed to vote in U.S. elections.

Fifty-three percent (53%) of Democrats think tax-paying illegal immigrants should have the right to vote. Twenty-one percent (21%) of Republicans and 30% of voters not affiliated with either major political party agree.

How long would it be before “tax-paying” illegal aliens sued under the 24th Amendment claiming that by discriminating against non-taxpaying illegals amounts to an unconstitutional “poll tax?”

A strong majority opposes illegal alien voting but it’s not as big as you might imagine.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that one-out-of-three Likely U.S. Voters (35%) now believes that illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote if they can prove they live in this country and pay taxes. Sixty percent (60%) disagree, while five percent (5%) are undecided.

Illegal alien voting has become a much larger issue since the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case from Texas which charges redistricting using total population (including illegal aliens) dilutes the votes of voters in non-illegal alien swarmed districts.  A larger percentage agree with Texas that illegal aliens should not count when creating legislative districts than believe illegal aliens should not vote?

Sixty-six percent (66%) of voters agree with the legal challenge and say states should only count eligible voters when setting the size of legislative districts for voting purposes. Just 23% favor the current system in Texas that counts all residents including illegal immigrants. Eleven percent (11%) are not sure.

Voters still support enforcement over amnesty.

Most voters have said consistently for years that  gaining control of the border is more important than legalizing the status of undocumented workers already living in the United States.

To see the survey wording, go here.


  1. jdelaney3 says

    These polls are indicative of a terribly ignorant and confused electorate–left and right. Is it any wonder this so-called republic is on life support. WE are the government, and, frankly, it’s not pretty.

  2. sherri palmer says

    Every damn politician is letting, allowing, aiding all of this crap to happen and right before their eyes, are they all on drugs? Allowing this pos to do as he please? a one-person take over…why aren’t we having a coup, kick their asses to gitmo and put in someone else that includes the POS dick-tater!

  3. Ronald Coleman says

    It is only right that if an illegal can run the most powerful country, then illegals should be allowed to vote. How else can we guarantee that this nation will fall like the Roman Empire and other socialist countries. This is a guarantee that the dems will stay in power, if this happens there will never be another Republican president.

  4. bingogeorge4 says

    This just proves (Dem’s want to allow ILLEGALS to vote) just how low, UnAmerican, Marxist, Communist, Socialist ass holes the Dumbacratic party actually is.

  5. You nailed it!!

  6. Nonameever says

    A majority of DNC voters are in line with Hitlery’s views that federal elections should no longer be restricted to evil American citizens, but citizens and residents of any other nation in the world must be included in federal elections so that international opinion, not just evil repellant, nationalistic American citizens decide the destiny of the United States of America, As Obama announced, ‘The United States must no longer lead, but must stand shoulder to shoulder with third world nations who revile toilets, running water and immodest dress for women.’
    If US federal elections continue to exclude international opinion then it is probable that evil American liberty will continue unabated and that must not occur because it will slander Islam’s prophet and adversely affect the egos of citizens of lesser developed nations.

  7. Nonameever says

    Obama demands that the next US president be an illegal alien from Mexico with no desire to become an evil US citizen

  8. Nonameever says

    The English language must be abolish in the United States because Mexican citizens speak Spanish, not English

  9. the American says

    Interesting, do 53% feel they should be strung up, The true treatment of a traitor? …what in God’s name is wrong with these people?

  10. Mike McShea says

    I am dumbfounded by this! If I shop at Walmart that still wouldn’t permit me to vote at their annual meeting. I’d have to own at least one share of their stock in order to do so. Likewise, a person should have to be a CITIZEN of the U.S. in order to vote…period!

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