Maine Democrats Set to Shut Down Government to Protect Illegal Alien Welfare

Democrats in the Maine legislature are ready to shut down the state government to keep the welfare tap flowing to illegal aliens.

Gov. Paul LePage has submitted a budget for the state which cuts off welfare for illegal aliens and diverts the savings to disabled Maine residents.

This has incensed state Democrats who vow to allow a budget deadline to pass and shut down the government unless the Governor relents.

On the first round of votes in the budget-writing Appropriations Committee, majority Democrats were joined by Senate Republicans in voting against Gov. Paul LePage’s proposal to bar undocumented and illegal immigrants from the General Assistance program, which is administered at the local level but partially funded by the state.


My sources tell me that Democrats consider welfare benefits for non-citizens a non-negotiable line-item in the budget.


LePage wants to use the money saved from ending welfare for undocumented and illegal immigrants to fund services for seriously disabled Mainers who have been languishing on the notorious Medicaid waitlists.

A compromise must be reached by July 1 to prevent a shutdown.

While some Senate Republicans seem willing to scrap welfare reform to reach a compromise, their counterparts in the House are steadfast on the issue.


“House Republicans continue to remain absolutely steadfast in our priorities, which are income tax reductions and welfare reform. House Republicans are willing to stand for those principles,” said House Minority Leader Ken Fredette

Taxpayer supplied welfare for criminal illegal aliens is more important to Maine Democrats than disabled Maine citizens is the only conclusion that can be drawn from this political battle.  And it appears the Governor and the state House may have to tell those severely disabled Americans, sorry your state support goes to citizens of another country who snuck here illegally.


  1. sherri palmer says


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