Jim’s comments on news that illegal aliens will be given the vote

Commentary by Jim GilchristMy Fellow Americans

Once again, I am not surprised at the covert attempts by mostly the Democrat Party to dilute our nation’s voting base into an overwhelming Democrat base. To an opportunistic politician all that matters is that he or she continue to hold office, regardless of whether it is by legal or illegal means.

Our nation’s heritage, its history, or its heralded stature as “a nation of laws” is meaningless to the Democrat Party (and to their handful of enablers in the Republican Party). All that matters to these political ghouls is that “they” maintain power forever, regardless of the cost to our society.

As these charlatans of honor and integrity continue to degrade the meaning of being a good American, our society will resign itself to the fact that our once revered political leadership is essentially lawless. At that point lawlessness will become the conduct du jour.

Jim Gilchrist, The Minuteman Project


  1. If the illegals are given the right to vote, we can just accept the fact the from now on our government leaders will be Placed in office, not elected to office, by bought and paid for votes. Add to that, after what’s been coming out about the Clinton’s, I wouldn’t be surprised if that doesn’t include people from other countries, who have also been bought off, somehow getting their votes cast in our elections as well. Americans have Lost Control of their country and We let it happen by not rebelling against it. We let ourselves and our country be overthrown while we sat and watched. Shame on us!

  2. That is why we must fight back. Man the polls whatever it takes to keep illegals from voting. We HAVE to stop the fraudulent voting. One of the Representatives is trying to put thru a bill for it but of course you know Obama will veto it. So…..it is up to us. WE CAN DO IT. WE CAN NOT GIVE UP.

  3. sherri palmer says

    so, congress will let such a thing happen, total destruction of our country after Obama came…..then it is open season on everyone, isn’t it!

  4. sherri palmer says

    Don’t accept anything, tear up DC! That is where the big think tank is, tear it up!

  5. Jesse Gray says

    I would respectfully disagree with you that we have lost control of our country, and that it has been overthrown. I wonder what led you to this conclusion, and what conclusive evidence you have of it?

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