Jim’s Comment On Facebook vs Coulter Debate

Jim Gilchrist, Founder and President, Minuteman ProjectAnn Coulter is no one to debate with…unless you are into pain and suffering…and losing your argument. The leadership of Facebook is very audible about their support for unlimited and uncontrolled illegal immigration. These mindless nabobs are mega-billionaires (and goose-steppers for the Democrat Party, by the way).

Their goal is to make money, and more money. They are not part of America to defend its heritage, its culture, its language, its security, or its borders. They are Americans only to make money, and what better way to do that than by inviting the entire world’s population to migrate to the USA.

I may sound like an anti-capitalist Democrat, but I am a Republican…a Republican capitalist who believes in responsible and accountable capitalism, not the reprehensible kind of capitalism proffered by the mega-billionaires who comprise the incredibly top-heavy financial support for the Democrat Party.

And all these years the Democrats have lied to the public about being “the Party of the people.”
Seems to me that the Democrats have more mega-billionaires in its ranks than the Republican Party could ever dream of having.

The Republican Party is the new “Party of the people,” in my opinion.

Jim Gilchrist, The Minuteman Project


  1. Dennis B Anderson says

    Coulter and the woman who has put up the Mohammad cartoon contest has got more cahones that the rest of the sacks in Washington who should be fired for not doing there jobs. Next the Clintons should be put to death for brokering uranium to Russia that ended up in Iran. They should be hung just like the Rosemburgs were back in 1953 for giving Stalin just the plans for Atom bomb. The Benghazi situation should get Obama hung along with his administration to send a message you cant do that and get away with it. No one is above the law.

  2. AMEN!!!!

  3. I quit facebook over their support of illegals and total lack of support for American workers and christians…if you support our country…do as I did and quit facebook!!!

  4. Dennis B Anderson says

    I dont use face book never did.like it.

  5. DenisetheCelt says

    The folks who created multiculturalism, and Diversity displacement of Whites, and Open Borders are Nation Wreckers.
    Aka Jews,
    It’s all about White Genocide.
    Jews have been called been called Nation Wreckers, for centuries, for very solid reasons.

  6. DenisetheCelt says

    Facebook is Jewbook.

  7. jackieray says

    if you do not have border you are no longer a country but just a place that people want to go to for the free stuff
    I wonder how he would feel about someone moving into his house would he welcome them and support them or would he demand that the cops remove them

  8. David M. Bell says

    “Facebook is Jewbook?” What kind of a moronic comment is that? What is your point if you even have one?

  9. the American says

    Fakebook should be punished for it’s support of anti American causes, they poured a ton of money into pro-illegal alien legislation, trying to influence even our elections…. punish them… if you’re against illegal immigration you shouldn’t be on Fakebook, cancel your account …there are alternatives.

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