Immigrants can now get Mexican birth certificates in U.S.

SANTA ANA (AP) — The Mexican government on Thursday will start issuing birth certificates to its citizens at consulates in the United States, seeking to make it easier for them to apply for U.S. work permits, driver’s licenses and protection from deportation.

Until now, Mexico has required citizens to get birth certificates at government offices in Mexico. Many of those living in the U.S. ask friends and relatives back home to retrieve them, which can delay their applications for immigration or other programs.

Now, even as Republicans in Congress try to quash President Barack Obama’s reprieve to millions of immigrants living illegally in the U.S., Mexico is trying to help them apply for programs that would allow them to remain temporarily in the country and continue sending money back to relatives across the border.

“It is a huge help. It helps individuals really begin to formulate their formal identity in this country,” said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles.

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  1. sherri palmer says

    We have lost our country by allowing Obama to stay in office; by not stopping this outrage of birth certificates from mexico being printed out here. Obama is a muslim; Obama is anti-American; Obama is corrupt; Obama is not trustworthy; Obama is a liar; Obama helps Islamic terrorists by releasing them from Gitmo; Obama is a fraud; Obama is a con man; Obama is a scam artist; Obama is deliberately destroying America: Obama should be imprisoned for bringing Ebola to America; for sending our precious troops into Ebola infested country; advanceing martial law; taking away our freedoms & constitutional rights; over taxing us; executive amnesty for illegals who we will have to support; inviting muslim brotherhood into OUR WHITE HOUSE; giving employment to rat fink Al Sharpton; downsizing our military; covering up Benghazi, fast & furious and many other scandals; stripping Americans of their healthcare and forcing his substandard overpriced POS obamacare; condemning Christians, free speech, did not stand in solidarity with European countries after France was viciously attacked and continued to release Gitmo terrorists; Anti-Democracy; Anti-law; Anti-Constitution; Racist and incites racism; hired czars to go around Congress; his czars are extremists of gays, Hispanics, muslims, anti-Americans…FU, Obama.

  2. PostTosties says

    And what else can you expect from Barry Sortoro? He hates American citizens with a horrid passion! This does not surprise me in the slightest!
    Eventually he will fly the Mexican flag with the American flag at the White House you watch! Why isn’t he impeached?

  3. sherri palmer says

    …because we keep waiting for congress to gather their micro-dot sized b lls to act. Obama has said that he has people working for him to go around Congress…so stupid Congress, get yourself “people” who can thwart Obama…We can only hope that someone has an idea and courage…it only takes one

  4. Blame all of this on our DO NOTHING CONGRESS! They have become as
    worthless as obama!
    American citizens will have to stand up
    and fight against obama and his hatred
    of America! Our Congress will do nothing!

  5. PostTosties says

    It is well known that the best counterfeit
    printers are Mexicans. At least one crime family is working in the U.S.
    I read this but don’t know where now.

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