Immigrant Poses As Dentist, Harms Victims

dentistTexas police have taken Honduran immigrant Mario Sabillon-Mejia and his accomplice, Tiffany Gonzalez, into custody last Wednesday for posing as dentists in Dallas. The pair are held on a felony charge: practicing medicine without a license, and two misdemeanor counts of dangerous sedatives and anesthetics.

Police say they caught on to what Sabillion-Mejia and his accomplice, Tiffany Gonzalez, were doing when a woman came forward and told authorities she became very sick with an infection after he pulled five of her teeth.

Erika Martinez asked her Facebook friends for dentist recommendations to heal her persistent toothache. She met with Sabillon-Mejia at her house, where he told her the total cost to cure her toothache would be $1,500.

Sabillon-Mejia and Gonzalez returned to her house on May 25. Martinez says she gave Gonzalez $500.

Martinez told authorities he then gave her an “unknown type of medicine” for pain. He began pulling teeth. When Martinez begged Sabillon-Mejia to stop, he allegedly said, ‘I can’t do it. I need to finish with you.”

Martinez says forced her down on her couch and pulled five of her teeth out. After he left, she immediately checked into the closest hospital.

“We think he was just getting his experience by practicing on people,” said Lt. Tony Crawford, who is supervising the investigation.

Anyone who has received dental “care” from the pair is advised to call 214-671-3517.


  1. Jeanne Stotler says

    Nothing new, Cuban refugees were practicing medicine in Miami, one even as a Plastic surgeon, of course before computers, today if you have a doubt about a doctor or dentist, go to state medical revue and put their name in, false papers are easy to get, all states have a Doctor and Dentist site that you can verify their credentials

  2. Obamacare at its best WELCOME to the future

  3. Pav Sterry says

    She could of had a real doctor pull her teeth for less.

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