If Amnesty Bill Passes, Its Cost Will Be Borne By Taxpayers of ‘Uncle Sap’

If Amnesty Bill Passes, Its Cost Will Be Borne By Taxpayers of ‘Uncle Sap’Marietta Daily Journal – Experience is a great teacher. Ask U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). He voted for the 1986 “Immigration Control and Reform Act” based on promises. But since it granted amnesty to illegal aliens first and promised border security and employer sanctions that never occurred, the senator vows never to be “fooled again.”

Grassley says the Senate “Gang of Eight” bill backed by President Barack Obama is the same 1986 gimmick — immediate “legalization” for illegals coupled with a new Hoeven-Corker-Schumer amendment promising border fencing, more border personnel and interior enforcement. Why should Americans believe it? [Read More]

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