House Armed Services Committee Approves “Amnesty Amendment”

The House Armed Services Committee approved an amendment to the FY2016 National Defense Authorization Act from Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) to allow illegal immigrants into the U.S. military.

Unsurprisingly, supporters couch the giveaway in language like saying enlisting illegal immigrants is “vital to the national interest.”

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) is one of the few members of Congress who opposes Gallego’s “amnesty amendment.”

“It makes no sense to me that, at the same time the Army is downsizing and issuing pink slips to American soldiers serving in Afghanistan, there are Congressmen who help illegal aliens deprive American citizens of military service opportunities,” Brooks, who serves on House Armed Services Committee, said.

The NDAA with the Gallego amendment passed the House Armed Services Committee by a 60-2 count.

“It’s appalling that some members of the Republican conference, and frankly all members of the Democratic conference, place illegal immigrants on pedestals over American citizens, contrary to the needs and wishes of the American people,” he said.

“I cannot speak for other Washington elected officials but, as for me, I was elected to protect and promote the interests of Americans, not illegal aliens,” he said. “As such, I will continue my fight to put Americans first as we work to remove Rep. Gallego’s language from the NDAA prior to House passage.”

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) also expressed dismay over the inclusion of the Gallego language as part of the 2016 NDAA.

“This policy would provide a fast track to citizenship for those accepted into a program Congress has voted to defund three times,” King said Thursday.

“It is incomprehensible that any House Committee would encourage using DACA to expand the President’s amnesty agenda further. It is even more disappointing as the NDAA is a bill designed to keep this nation safe from its enemies at a time of war, not about granting citizenship to illegal immigrants,” he said.

The 2016 NDAA legislation now heads to the House floor where King and Brooks will have to work hard to have the Gallego amendment pulled.


  1. WiSe GuY says

    No moo-slums in the military.


    How in the name of George Washington and the Founders can these irresponsible, corrupt political anarchists extend an “olive” branch to criminal illegal aliens….foreign nations who have absolutely NO loyalty to the United States of America and who, by the laws of their own country of origin, cannot swear allegiance to the USA? This is not only a reprehensible act to the extreme, it is TREASON by its “worse” definition. With a vote of 60 to 2, the only clear message to the American people is that the Members of the GOP LIED when they promised to restore America to its former self. Indeed, they have been drugged with the political cool aid that is abundant in the White House message that it will continue to “fundamentally change” the very foundations and structure of our government. By depriving American men and women a choice to make the Military their career, by “pink” slipping them – and by replacing them with ILLEGAL ALIENS – this Military asset, coupled with the expansion of the DHS and FEMA efforts to establish a Civilian National Army equal to or greater in strength than the Military, does not bode well for the American people. Likewise, efforts to Nationalize State, county and Local LEO’s, by forcing them to accept Federal intervention within local communities at every turn and for any excuse, is also one more example of the perilous road upon which this nation has embarked. In the end, the American people must decide whether to stand their ground and do what is required to PRESERVE, PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION, THE BILL OF RIGHTS AND THE RULE OF LAW – against ALL enemies, or – submit to becoming the fodder for a grandiose scheme tried and failed over past generations and called by many names which all mean….the work of Satan…the end of humanity and civilization. God help us all.

  3. sherri palmer says

    You are so right! Obama aint leaving in 2017, that’s what it is all about! I am so disgusted, nobody in their right minds would ever betray their countrymen for what is coming….I am so pissed…these illegals are Obama’s army, period! How do we fight this, if we lose, every other western country will fall!

  4. the American says

    so what is it now they’re going to defend the America that Americans won’t defend?what a joke? Bastards !! Why isn’t gallego brought up on charges of treason? He should be hung violently for all to see for his sedition. Undermining our millitary now? …. so first the establishment is trying to replace American workers with illegal aliens, illegally, and against the will of the American people. … second, they will try to replace our most sacred institution, the military, with people who do not have allegiance to the country they serve and flaunted the law to get there??? not to mention, to replace the American soldier? Are they going to accept lower pay for their service? is that what this is about? ?? usually that’s exactly what it is when we’re talking about illegal aliens….gee I guess the administration is now going to try to save money on military labor…… what a joke……at best these people have questionable loyalties and I don’t want them serving in the American military and neither do the American people!!!

  5. I am incensed like most Americans are!
    All this government does is try further and further to destroy the wonderful Country we once had!
    And leave it to anchor babies to stick it to us further! Always helping illegal aliens!

    “Gallego was born in Chicago[2] and is a first-generation American.”
    Another site says he was born in Arizona?

  6. Get this Gallego even tried to recall Sheriff Joe Arpaio!
    What does this say about him?
    No enforcement for illegal aliens!
    I’ll bet if the illegals were from England he would have allowed enforcement on them.

  7. I would travel to see that hanging!

  8. the American says

    millions would

  9. Hello from England. This is unbelievable. What other country would give illegal immigrants guns and teach them how to use them ? I thought we had some mad politicians in Europe, but this beats them hands down.

  10. the American says

    England has found out first hand how unfettered immigration from third world countries has not been beneficial socially or economically.

  11. Obviously they want to fill up the ranks of the Military with Illegal Aliens who have NO REAL allegiance to or feel any real obligation to the United States of America but to the Extremist Socialist Liberals for who gave them entry into this Nation… Thus by which they now will have growing numbers within the Military that feel no obligation to the American people and would not hesitate for one second to turn upon any of the American people if told to do so by the Extremist of the Left a.k.a. New World Order movement sect…



    Thank you Sherri for your remarks. If americans don’t realize by now that we have a very serious national security problem brought about by the terrorist in OUR White House and commit to doing something about it, then all is lost. Our survival will come down to the decision of each individual and many, like good sheep, will give thanks and praise to the Obama Mesiah from the shelter of their FEMA Camp, that is until they become a burden and lose their head.

  14. the American says

    there are quite a few hangings that need to take place…..corrupt anti-American politicians should fear the people. .. not the other way around….they should straight out be lynched.

  15. Democrat Gallego from AZ…just one more reason we’re in trouble. No discernment and probably compromised “Progressive Socialist” The new word for communist.

  16. Oh, we’re getting to be a real bunch of daisies in our government! The communist infiltrators have done a good job of chipping away at our freedom and traditions.

  17. Well, wherever he was born…he and a lot of others in Washington who share his ideas aught to have their a$$ kicked up between their shoulders for making such ridiculous legislature!

  18. Dons621 says

    “When we take over we will not have any STINKING GRINGOS in our army” a word to the wise.

  19. Every day we continue on the down hill slope with this ignorant democratic congress,what the hell are these morons
    thinking,giving training and weapons to illegals who will
    turn around and use them on us,oh but not to worry because
    these same morons don’t live like we do, they are well protected and don’t have to associate with the illegal scum.

  20. caligirl1960 says

    I think this is so stupid! we do not allow people to be citizens if they have allegiance to another country but you will let them join the military? We should not be offering illegals anything but a one way ticket back home!

  21. sherri palmer says

    allowing foreign nationals to fight in our military is extremely treacherous, what if the Mexican govt wants them to turn against us, what if their govt wants them to vote a certain way, Mexicans let us know in no uncertain terms that their allegiance is to mexico….maybe that is what Obama wants for us! obama is settling those mexicans in lower border states primarily…could he be setting them up to take those states that mexicans have claimed that belonged to them?! Look at how the conservative congress has bowed down to Obama, we will be lucky if we get thru this with our freedom intact!

  22. the American says

    Well, guns are still legal in those states, so if something happens, the American citizenry can still defend itself And if pushed too far, it will ..the enemy is within and amongst us, we know who they are.

  23. caligirl1960 says

    The military will tell them to stick it. Nobody should be in our milliary as long as they have alliance with another country. Citizens only!

  24. sherri palmer says

    I cannot believe they did this! And they did this for the traitor in the WH, wonder if he has on his military pumps today…

  25. sherri palmer says

    maybe not so easy for their grandchildren, these pigs sold all of us out!


  1. […] Gallego Amendment was approved by the House Armed Services Committee earlier this month. It would specifically grant a fast track to citizenship for illegal immigrants who are mustered […]

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