Gutiérrez promises ‘civil war’ in Democrat party if illegal amnesty delayed

G000535Representative Luis Gutiérrez of Illinois is a key figure in the illegal amnesty debate. He’s a Democrat and yesterday he gave a dire warning about the consequences for Democrats if Obama doesn’t act before Christmas on illegal immigration.

“This problem that you see, politically, is nothing in comparison to the civil war that will be created politically in the Democratic party should the president not be broad and generous in his use of prosecutorial discretion,” he said. “Because Latinos will not be deciding whether or not they vote, but whether or not they are in the Democratic party.”

Obama broke his pledge to use his executive powers to manipulate the immigration system at the request of senatorial candidates who predicted the move would hurt their election chances. Now, he has until December (to reunite families) or at the latest, January, when the new Congress will be installed, to roll back prosecutions and deportations of people in the country illegally.

Obam’s popularity among Hispanics has plunged in recent months, and both he and Hillary Clinton have been followed on the campaign trail by immigration reform protesters who have heckled them at political rallies across the country.

The Guardian has more.


  1. Briing it punk! You and all of the low life La Raza scum will soon learn what it means to awaken the bear or in this case, WTP. Make sure you bring your backers, the Mex. cartels, with you. We wanna’ make sure we clean up completely!!!

  2. Jim Gilchrist says

    My reply to Illinois Congressman Luis Guitierez:

    Apparently, Mr. Congressman, you have not learned the difference between governance by “rule of law” and governance by “mob rule.”

    I find it both bizarre and disturbing that a U.S. Congressman would expect the United States to literally erase its immigration laws at the whim of a dysfunctional congressman and the approximately 30 million unwanted and unwelcome illegal aliens currently occupying U.S. territory in blatant defiance of U.S. laws.

    You can threaten “civil war” and all sorts of mob-rule subversiveness, Mr. Guitierez. But, a nation of laws is ready and willing to meet you on domestic battlefields to assure that our nation continues to survive as a nation of laws, not a nation ruled by mobs of illegal aliens…a mob that you have exalted to almost a celebrity status, while blindly ignoring the interests of your own country.

    You are a hateful, mean person.

    Furthermore, you have neither the integrity, nor the stoic character necessary to provide our nation with any principled guidance that would guarantee a civilized society for the United States into the future.

    Jim Gilchrist

  3. Philip Allen says

    This is the problem with the Democratic party…It’s all about what they the politician wants not what the people and the citizen who put them in office want. The Democrats want to be dictator and to hell with what the American people wants. hat is why the Republicans won the Senate and picked up seats in the US House of Representatives. May I remind you also there were p/u’s in Republican Governors. Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez who needs elected politicians like you who thinks they should be dictator. Need I Say More?

  4. Rob theisen says

    I live in Illinois and Guitierez, Durban, and Quinn have handed the entire state over to illegal Aliens..We have been completely invaded and the state has been devastated..I have a masters degree and find myself working freelance..I know dozens of people who are out of work or underemployed..There are citizens who have worked in construction for years, but they can’t find a job because most of those jobs are being given to illegals…There seems to be little hope for Illinois but I urge anyone reading my post to take political action so your state doesn’t end up like mine..

  5. WTF does this Gutierrez and the other “illegal advocates” think that they are? First of all thousands of Latinos like myself are not in favor of givin those who break our inmigration laws any kind of benenfits or break. We are not anti-inmigrant. What we oppose is ILLEGAL INMIGRATION. All the illegals , regardless of the color of their skin , or their place of oirigen, needs to be rounded uop and deported. It is as simple as that. We also need to secure our borders. We are a nation of laws, and I am sick and tired of those who break them getting breaks. Enough is enough of this BS

  6. I couldn’t have been clearer than you. If the “laws” are not enforced, then the government will have a revolutionary populous to answer to! We are sick of the disrespect this group has with the will of the people, from ILLEGALS to illegal breech of the Constitution and bill of rights. We are mad as hell and it won’t take much to push us over the edge.
    Bundy Ranch was a picnic compared to what they are asking for!

  7. John Henry says

    So … a million or more illegals are going to take armed action against the American people, if they do not grant them amnesty?

    I guess that would make them enemy infiltrators and enemy combatants who have crossed our borders and wage war on the American people.

    As for me, I only know one way to deal with such, and Amnesty is not even in the cards for them.

  8. belladonnacotton says

    Representative Luis Gutiérrez of Illinois Your right, we will start shooting every mexican we see. I hope you read this Representative Luis Gutiérrez of Illinois

  9. belladonnacotton says

    Your mexican aren’t you Representative Luis Gutiérrez of Illinois I wonder if your illegal.

  10. John Barleycorn says


  11. John Barleycorn says

    DITTO . . . .

  12. John Barleycorn says

    This POS Gutiérrez needs
    a revolution in front of his house.

  13. Gutierrez (and many others) actually believe that the American Southwest was illegally obtained by the U.S., and are actually a part of “Greater Mexico”. It goes back to a claim that the Louisiana Purchase was illegal, because it wasn’t France’s property to sell.
    The Battle of San Jacinto not withstanding, many Mexicans insist that Texas really belongs to them. I’ve heard chatter since 1950 voicing this opinion.

  14. I am Hispanic, Mr. Congressman. If you don’t like it, lump it!! The current president and former Democratic Senate does not have either the Hispanic or Black interests, or for that matter, the interests of the United States at heart. They have done a good of brainwashing both groups of people. The problem is that neither group has the sense to realize it. The USA must operate for all of the people, not just one or two ethnic groups!

  15. The problem is with allowing foreigners into our governmental process is that they DO NOT understand our PROCESS BECAUSE…they are used to living in a DICTATORSHIP! HELLO? ANYONE HOME? THESE PEOPLE DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT A REPUBLIC IS NOR DO THEY UNDERSTAND THAT THIS ‘PRESIDENT’ DOES NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO SIGN ANYTHING INTO LAW, NO EXECUTIVE ORDERS ARE ALLOWED UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. THERE ARE LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS THAT DICTATE OUR IMMIGRATION PROGRAM and that does NOT include illegal entry into the USA! If someone is caught, they are to be deported or detained if they have committed a crime. These people might get elected to the House or the Senate, but they are by no means allowed to dictate or force anyone to dictate policies. IN THIS COUNTRY, AHEM, WE VOTE AND THE PEOPLE DECIDE BECAUSE WE CAN THINK FOR OURSELVES. WE DON’T NEED SOMEONE TO PUT A HALTER ON US AND LEAD US AROUND BY THE BIT IN OUR MOUTH, AS THIS GUY IS OBVIOUSLY USED TO! HE SHOULD NOT HAVE THE POSITION HE HOLDS IF HE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THAT THE BASIC POLICY OF OUR GOVERNMENT IS ‘Of the PEOPLE, BY the People and FOR the PEOPLE,’ not the dictator!

  16. and as a footnote, if he is ‘inciting to riot’ then he will go to jail himself! This is NOT Mob RULE! THis is a very traditional Republic and the way of rule is the PEOPLE RULE, not the other way around. So threaten away, you will be the loser!

  17. I doubt very seriously if this is HIS COUNTRY, Jim. He sounds like his loyalties lie with Mexico or South America and if that is so, he needs to return there as soon as possible, and don’t come back! Right?!

  18. Yes, and the people have spoken in the polls last night to contribute to yours sentiment by voting against Democrat rule and voting for Liberty and the pursuit of happiness under the Law of the Constitution, not the nit wit dictator who thinks he can use his ‘pen and a phone’ and dictate to the people. He needs to go back to Kenya if he doesn’t like our way of life in the U.S.A.!

  19. Well, of course that is what their dictators are going to tell them to stir them up and make them believe the lies they tell them to get them to do something stupid, illegal and very dangerous for their health against America! The dictators have nothing to lose and everything to gain if they can get theur people into power, get them to pass laws that favor Mexico and S.A. or any other foreign country! That is why the Constitution says that ONLY A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, someone whose loyalties are with this country, can become president and not someone who doesn’t know where he belongs like the usurper in chief! Anyway, these dictators think they can strike ‘backroom deals’ with our Demorat leaders that betray the American people because they themselves aren’t loyal to America! But this is coming to a screeching halt and last nights vote proves it! If these Republicans who were voted in by the PEOPLE last night or at any other time, fail to do the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, then they can be recalled and even prosecuted for not fulfilling their oaths of officem, just like the usurper in chief can! UMHMMMMMM
    And, with THIS Congress, it’s very likely that the Congress will have him arrested if he tries to pull anything like he has just threatened to do today! He has no authority to do anything to change the laws regarding immigration. He is dreaming if he thinks he does and he will wake up and find himself in a lot of hot hot water if he tries anything! wE THE PEOPLE are not going to tolerate this nonsense any longer! This hijack is at an end!

  20. Most likely. The fallacy is that people ASS-UME that anyone born here is automatically a citizen. That is NOT TRUE! The Constitution says to be a citizen, you have to have two parents who are loyal to America, not some foreign country. And it’s obvious that this guy’s loyalties are not with America, but Mexico or whatever S.A. country he is from, or his parents are from! He NEEDS TO BE RECALLED!

  21. Yep, that is exactly what they have always been. I live in Arizona and we have dealt with this for years…our sheriff, Joe Arpaio is the greatest, though, he keeps raiding mexican restaurants and places where they like to congregate and deport them! We need a secure border. I believe we will have a Republican President this next time, which we really have, except for the VOTE FRAUD that was perpetrated on the PEOPLE by the “Progressives” i.e. Communist Party, that will make the needed changes against these invaders and criminals that are waging war on America!

  22. Did anyone hear what Egypt is doing with the Gaza situation? They are driving every illegal Palestinian out of their homes, demolishing them and digging a 65 foot trench around Gaza so they can’t just walk across anymore! The Palestinians and whomever they are, have been wreaking havoc in Egypt lately, so this is the measures they are taking to protect themselves. I think 30 policemen were killed by these terrorists, at least that is what they act like!

  23. shflbroker says

    One point I haven’t seen in all the remarks: Congressman Guitierez, took and oath, just like every Congressman and Senator to defend us and our Constitution from all threats, foreign and domestic. Just like the President and every other Congressman and Senator did. Guess they all had their fingers crossed. This man should be removed from office.
    Maybe ILL is waking up, what with electing a Republican Governor. That one was a real shocker for me.

  24. Robert L. Rice says

    screw you luis,NO AMNESTY,,,let them go home and apply to come here like honest folks.

  25. Kevin McKinney says

    Mr Henry I must agree the term extreme prejudice comes to mind with dealing with these armed illegal aliens . I do not believe that the politicians understand the true depth of this subject. there is no middle of the road on this subject, I believe those who are in favor of this amnesty will find themselves truly in Hell on Earth !

  26. Does this jerk represent mexico because he never represents American citizens!

  27. Hey you stupid jibaro,the only reason you’re so desperate for amnesty is because the district in Illinois you come from is full of don’t represent American citizens you represent illegal aliens,just like you don’t want Puerto Rico to be a state but you live in the states. You hypocrite.

  28. sherri palmer says

    I am tired of gutless gutirez and bully BS Obama, this is our country …tired of the exec actions and bold display of disrespect for our country…their is only one way to end this with the illegals and the muslims…and you don’t have to read between the line…

  29. sherri palmer says

    he and menendez and Rubio all represent illegals

  30. sherri palmer says

    my sentiments exactly and the same for the POS in the WH

  31. Jim Gilchrist says

    You are correct. Congressman Guiterez’s allegiance is to the literal Latinization of the United States. That means the actual replacement of the non-Hispanic population of the United States with an overwhelming population of Hispanics. Guiterrez doesn’t care how the Latinization of America takes place, only that it takes place as fast as possible…to ensure his continued re-election and his future aspiration as the first Hispanic president of the United States.

    We are rapidly becoming a Latin American nation as tens of millions of illegal aliens from all countries south of the U.S. – Mexico border continue to swarm here by the millions each year.

    I see a future United States where all non-Hispanic persons will be subjected to oppression by the overwhelming Hispanic population that will outnumber all other ethnicities.
    The first victims will be Black Americans, followed by Asian Americans, with the final oppressive assault being waged against the remaining Caucasian and American Indian segments of the U.S. population.

    Perhaps that sounds far-fetched, but it is a scenario that is repeatedly found in history books.

    The sad lesson here: all of this will be allowed to happen without any conference with the electorate, as more and more politicians avoid and refuse to enforce U.S. immigration laws.

  32. Jim Gilchrist says

    Please see my comments above to “ppanthers.”

    I understand your anger and disappointment in national leaders(both Democrats and Republicans) that have kept us common folk behind a political smokescreen for so many years.

  33. Jim Gilchrist says


    For over ten years now I have warned our countrymen/women that “every” state in the USA is a border state like Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

    Even our smallest state, Rhode Island, has been overrun with illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America. Alaska and Maine are no different, either.

    We have not had a president or a congress who took U.S. immigration law enforcement seriously since President Dwight Eisenhower and the congresses of 1952 -1960.

    It really is time to begin the deportation process against all of the 30+ million illegal aliens currently occupying U.S. territory in blatant defiance of our nation’s laws.

    If I were in Congress, or the WHite House, I would not be abashed about earnestly and aggressively encouraging the enforcement of all immigration laws, without exception. Most Americans would support that kind of leadership. Unfortunately, we have not had that kind of leader in the White House since President Eisenhower. We have had many gutless wonders residing there, but no stoic leaders.

  34. Jim Gilchrist says

    Are you a veteran drill sergeant? 🙂

  35. Jim Gilchrist says

    You made a direct hit with your literary salvo. Good job. Thank you.

  36. Jim Gilchrist says


    Thank you for not hating me because I am a Caucasian. Thank you for being an American citizen like me and hundreds of millions of others.

    The Minuteman Project believes in multiethnic participation in America. We just don’t believe in the illegal alien invasion.

  37. Jim Gilchrist says

    Guiterrez is from Puerto Rico.

  38. belladonnacotton says

    So you say and you probably beleive obama was born in Hawaii

  39. Hey, GOD did not create any one of us to hate one another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. HEY, GOD did not create us to hate one another. BTW, I am not only HISPANIC, but 25% Irish; also, about 5% Indian. How about that?!!!

  41. Rob theisen says

    Jim you and I are in complete agreement..Ultimately there will be some who will be allowed to stay, but we can’t even consider that until we the borders secure, workplace enforcement running correctly, and deport those here (especially those illegals who are violent criminals) who have broke the law. What really has upset me lately is the stories I have been reading about illegals who are so brazen thanks to President Obama’s amnesty that they are openly taunting our border officials..flipping them off..Telling them Obama is going to give them amnesty and there isn’t anything the border agents can do…It makes me sick..By the way if the Republicans don’t deliver I believe they will face what the Democrats did a couple weeks ago when the 2016 elections come around..Here is a link I think will open many eyes to the attitude of these illegals:

  42. sherri palmer says

    gutless wants to bring in his mob of relatives

  43. LG is Nancy Pelosi to a latin beat. A total special interest freak, fawning over those who might vote him back next time. Horrid man.

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