Gallup: 6 in 10 Americans unhappy with immigration level

The Washington Examiner — Dissatisfaction with the current level of immigration has risen six percentage points since 2014.

Six in 10 American adults — or 60 percent — say they are dissatisfied with the level of immigration, and a majority of those want fewer people coming in the United States, according to a new Gallup poll. Dissatisfaction is even spiking among Democrats.

This spike in unhappiness about immigration — up from 54 percent in 2014, but considerably lower than the high of 72 percent in 2008 — comes on the heels of President Obama’s executive actions on immigration but before congressional Republicans flubbed efforts to tighten border controls. The poll was conducted in the first full week of January. Leaders in the GOP-controlled House Monday failed to put a border security bill up for a vote.

Gallup’s finding indicate a mere 33 percent of U.S. adults are satisfied with immigration levels.

The desired level of immigration is one of the few issues part of Gallup’s annual “Mood of the Nation” poll that saw such a drop in satisfaction — or corresponding climb in dissatisfaction.

Nearly two in five (39 percent) of overall poll respondents want to see less immigration into the U.S., the poll found — though the particulars of legal or illegal immigration were not part of the question. Only 7 percent support increased immigration, while 14 percent claimed to be dissatisfied but nevertheless to want keep immigration at its current rate.

More than four out of every five (84 percent) self-identified Republicans said they are dissatisfied with the current level of immigration. Roughly 44 percent of Democrats and 54 percent of independents polled felt the same way.

Despite the large gap between the political groups, dissatisfaction among Democrats has increased by eight points between 2014 and 2015.

The random telephone poll of 804 U.S. adults was done Jan. 5-8, with a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.


  1. johnfkostrubal says

    That is what happens when you grant Amnesty, allow the “Anchor Baby” and Chain Migration” policies to exist . 40% are in favor, unbelievable !! Look at the difference from 2008 .
    By 2050, we will be the minority and our nation will be transformed into a One Party Socialist cesspool, if illegal immigration continues .
    One in six individuals residing here are foreigners . The fastest growing population in our nation are foreigners .
    The only way to destroy our nation is from within, eliminating our Middle Class, infiltrating our schools and universities, taking over the national media and our court systems and dismantling our borders .
    Obama and his puppet masters like George Soros are on their way, if Americans stand by and do nothing !!

  2. Since Obama became President, the number of ‘LEGAL IMMIGRANTS’ allowed into the USA has ballooned to an average of 1.4 million immigrants a year, more than three times the numbered allowed by the second largest allowed immigration into any other country around the world, and when added to all of Obama’s illegal immigrants allowed to come across our unsecured southern borders, is proof of how and why the American society and culture is fast being destroyed, as we now have many language barriers in several areas all across the USA. Also since Obama has become President, the largest number of the ‘LEGAL IMMIGRANTS’ that Obama is bringing into the USA are Muslims, another destruction of a nation that used to be a Christian nation, but is also fast becoming what Obama claimed it is in a couple of his public speeches, the largest Islamic nation in the world, Obama’s words, not mine. The number of ‘No-Go Zones in the USA, similar to those many well established European ones, are now well into the double digits and growing fast, as there are now 9 Mosques being built for every ne Church that is built in the USA, and most are being funded by Saudi Arabia, the country that supply almost all of the terrorists that committed the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the ‘World Trade Center’ in New Yorkk.

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