Fiorina Says No to Amnesty

GOP Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina told an Arizona audience she opposed amnesty for illegal aliens and that border security was a priority.Carly_Fiorina_by_Gage_Skidmore

“My view is that if you’ve come here illegally, you don’t have a pathway to citizenship,” Fiorina said in response to a question from a Scottsdale resident. “There is an opportunity to earn a legal status and we know too many who have done it the right away. There is no consequence for a failure to uphold the law.”

Fiorina said securing the U.S.-Mexico border is not “rocket science,” but acknowledged that there needs to be a different kind of leadership to solve these problems at both the local and Federal levels.

“It’s not rocket science to secure the border,” she said in response to a question about Border Patrol. “It’s not rocket science to keep violent criminals in jail. It’s not rocket science to provide law enforcement with funding to get the job done, yet it’s not happening. We know what do to here, we just haven’t.”

While her first sentence seems a clear enough rejection of amnesty, Fiorina left herself some wiggle room with the “opportunity to earn legal status” qualifier. Still, it shows common-sense immigration policy is gaining traction at the national level.


  1. She’s only saying that about the border because she’s desperate. Vote Trump!

  2. She is smart and knows what to say. Is her heart in what she says? I am not so sure. Trump and Cruz are better options. Carson does OK too. We have to stop the 40 year immigration con job which sells out Americans, those who actually work for a living and take care of business without a 10 ft long list of entitlements as the key to their lives. Illegal immigration and legal immigration need draconian fixes. Doctor Death kind of fixes, serious and inflexible. No more anchor babies. No more H1B visas without first looking hard for an American to fill STEM jobs. No more visa lotteries. (some of this stuff seems like dumb Laurel and Hardy jokes) We cannot continue to give the country away to benefit the elite and the pols who are owned by the elites. The status quo must end.

  3. ClarenceDeBarrows says

    Nobody on either side of the political spectrum would even be talking about this issue if it weren’t for Trump. Support Trump and the rest will follow along. Maybe some of them will even be lucky enough to be picked to serve in his cabinet. All in all, supporting Trump will definitely work to America’s advantage.

  4. There is no perfect candidate and I’m just trying to pile the information on the scales. Trump is for single payer universal healthcare. Sound familiar?

  5. DenisetheCelt says

    Immigration is the ONLY thing that matter now, Everything else is secondary.

  6. the American says

    She can’t talk out of both sides of her mouth and that’s exactly what she’s trying to do …..not to be trusted ….she does support amnesty don’t let her fool you.

  7. sherri palmer says

    That’s what I intend to do…I also intend to go door to door to hopefully convince voters to vote for Trump and dump the demoncraps.

  8. sherri palmer says

    I agree 100%. Trump and Carson are the key…Fiorina is saying what she hopes will get voters, took her a long time to say it…but for me, she is out! I don’t like that she fired American workers and outsourced their jobs to china…Bad move!

  9. sherri palmer says

    and Carson is for healthcare bank accounts, something like that…

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