Feds Place Illegals in ‘Every State’

AP — American schools are scrambling to provide services to the large number of children and teenagers who crossed the border alone in recent months. Unaccompanied minors who made up the summer spike at the border have moved to communities of all sizes, in nearly every state, Federal data indicates, to live with a relative and await immigration decisions. The Supreme Court has ruled that schools have an obligation to educate all students regardless of their immigration status, so schools have become a safe haven for many of the tens of thousands of these young people mostly from central America living in limbo. Delaware’s rural Sussex County has long attracted immigrants, partly because of work in chicken factories, and soybean and corn fields. The district’s population is more than one-quarter Hispanic, and for years has offered an early learning program for non-English speakers. [Read More]


  1. They need to Be taken physically out of America NOW or die if they refuse to leave.

  2. No citizen ship for anchor babies or illegal children. No public or Taxpayer moneys of any kind or life support of any kind to illegals. They came here to suck the taxpayers dry and they are doing it. If the traugh is empty they will go else where.

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