Federal Judge Says Illegals Don’t Have to Post Bond

Illegal aliens who can’t afford it after they are detained for breaking immigration law do not have to post a bond to be released from federal prison says a federal judge in Seattle.

U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik “said that the immigration court’s blanket refusal to consider conditional parole for immigrant detainees potentially impinges on a detainee’s due-process and liberty interests.”

The case arose when a Honduran woman Maria Sandra Rivera, illegally entered the U.S. on May 29, 2014.  She was detained and an immigration judge set a bond of $3,500.

Rivera didn’t want to post the money and instead asked to be released on her own recognizance.

She was held for four months and filed this lawsuit in October.  She has since been released.

“People should not be locked up while they are in immigration proceedings simply because they do not have money to pay a bond,” said Matt Adams, the legal director of the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (NIRP).

Arguing a bond of just $1,500, which is a minimum Department of Justice policy for noon-flight risk illegals, is an undue burden seems laughable in face of the fact that 90% of unaccompanied minors fail to show up in court.





  1. the American says

    Wow, if this wasn’t so illegal it would be comical, so we have more preferential treatment for illegal alien crimmigrants. …the judge should lose his position for breaking the law….only in libtard bastions do you see this lawlessness. …so laws only apply to Americans.

  2. Malanthrop says

    The internet is the only place to find real news. Watching Fox this morning they showed zebras running the streets in Belgium and I think not unsubliminally, anti immigrant violence in S Africa over Ethiopians taking their jobs. I think our country has more important things going on. I never thought I would come to the conclusion I have that our media is a complete psyop on the American people. A sophisticated propaganda machine designed to sway the public. The Hillary and Jeb polls are completely ridiculous. As if the American people really want another Bush-Clinton.

  3. the American says

    fox is pro bush, Pro establishment and pro amnesty …don’t let them fool you.

  4. Malanthrop says

    Sadly Google and FCC “Net Neutrality” are openly discussing filtering and throttling based upon “truth”. Who’s truth are they going to shut down?

  5. the American says

    Who do you think? Both are lefty free speech hating entities…you can make a pretty good guess how that’s going to turn out, and then a company will emerge to counter google without the lies. …remember ocommie wanted newsroom monitors? …think of all the lefty socialist lying media outlets, and they still wanted to censor fox, lol…what a pathetic administration.

  6. Malanthrop says

    Yes, and this administration has used the espionage act to prosecute wistle blowers many times. I think that was only used once before this admin since WWII. Also targeting real journalists like Rosen. Too many people are asleep, zombified to reality tv, video games and smart phones. Our government wants an ill informed population that are not capable of thinking for themselves.

  7. the American says

    Just remember, google, fakebook, apple, all lefty progressives, meaning revisionist, they would love to filter news, ie history, And rewrite history in their made up wacked out fantasy of anti American lies …they are dangerous, that’s why they want to get between you and your children, that’s why the educational system is crawling with them, not because they’re smarter, it’s all about indoctrination and control, they know it.

  8. Malanthrop says

    My wife is a teacher and she is fed up with the system and is quitting this spring to begin homeschooling our children. Being forced to sign binding CC agreements to not discuss content amongst the staff or with the population was the last straw for her. What’s freaky is our own government is viewing Christians, Vets, Constitutionalists and even homeschoolers as potential domestic terrorists, ie enemies of the state.

  9. scarlettny says

    How does this judge get away with such a stupid move? Doesn’t he have to answer to someone? He should be fired immediately. How many more have been in
    front of him with the same results? Take his retirement away from him also.

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