Fearful Republicans Attack One of Their Own as Trump Popularity Grows


Jim Gilchrist on the nation’s southern border

Donald Trump is seen as a clear and present danger to his Republican competitors in the race for the Republican nomination for president in 2016.

Not surprisingly, Republican candidates are targeting him for destruction.  The goal: eliminate the threat and acquire Trump’s voting block.

The unintended consequence of attacking Trump, however, is that millions of voters will flock to his support.

Voters dislike bullies and usually rally around the so-called underdog in a political race.

But, Mr. Trump may not really be an underdog after all.  He continues to garner more and more support every time another attack is launched at him, whether it be from a political machine or a corporate enterprise.  That certainly puts him into the “top dog” category.

Aside from cheering for a political underdog, perhaps the voters also appreciate Trump’s ability to speak                         directly to the voters about real issues threatening their domestic tranquility and their way of life.

In terms that they can understand, Trump speaks to the voters about serious issues without the rhetorical side-stepping so common with career politicians.  He talks about real problems facing our nation:  a rampant illegal alien invasion, an oppressive tax system, endless government regulatory interference in the lives of everyday Americans, a fading economic future for American families, haphazard military police actions in foreign lands, a virtually non-existent geographical border with Mexico, and a reckless disregard for U.S. immigration laws.

Sounds to me that Mr. Trump is more than just a clear and present danger to his fellow Republicans and his opposing Democrats.  He is a very credible contender for the office of President of the United States.


  1. Elmer Fredrick says

    It is NO LONGER the republican party, it has become a DEAD PARTY, it now is the democrats J V TEAM

  2. skipsart says
  3. Jim Gilchrist says


    I read the Glenn Beck evaluation of Trump at the Glenn Beck web site. But, Beck could draw the same negative conclusions about “any” candidate…from “any” party.

    I am pleased that Mr. Trump has gone where no politician has dared to go in recent history by explicitly forcing a debate on issues critical to the survival of the USA as a civilized society with a healthy and prospering working class.

    Trump is not side-stepping, or back-peddling, as just about all other political candidates seem to do relentlessly, in my opinion.

    No president has been a perfect person, but some of them have garnered the support of the masses because they had the courage to blatantly and publicly confront threats to our nation’s domestic tranquility, its sovereignty, and its way of life.

    Thanks for the referral to Glenn Beck’s analysis of Donald Trump, albeit not plausible evidence for me to withdraw my support of him.

    Jim Gilchrist

  4. Everybody I know says they’re going to vote for Trump! Me too!

  5. The more the RINOs attack him, the more popular he gets. That’s a good sign!

  6. johnright61 says

    Donald Trump is the only candidate that can make things happen due to his business acumen, love of the military, along with his lack of a need to attain fame and no need to milk the system. He is the only candidate that doesn’t have fogged up, blurry political vision.

  7. alpambuena says

    the repubs in congress act like a bunch of whipped dogs afraid of their own shadows..but us conservatives do not show a lot of being pissed of either. the left have dominated the entire voice socialism…while nobody speak up for freedom..now we have trump..but we have to back him up with louder voices than everyone else.

  8. sherri palmer says

    Me, too! Trumps straight forward approach is just what we need and he knows what the problems are! The old guard knows the problems but will not address them , so that means they will not fix the problems.

  9. I will never vote for any of these Republicans, especially Jeb Bush. It’s Trump or nothing as far as I am concerned. I just won’t bother to vote.

  10. Read and listened and as Jim said. Any candidate any party could be dissected like that and you will get similar results. What makes Trump stand out is his defiance of the political/media PC establishment.

  11. sherri palmer says

    Republicans have been awol on the job. Fools! They even sold out to Obama on the TPA for money, but much less than we would have thought, more for less than $1,000, a few for less than $3,000 and another 2 or 3 for a little more than $2,000…anyone who sold out for this, cant be anyone worth having to represent us! Which explains their reasons for not impeaching the gay muslim terrorist in the WH! Tired of all the political rhetoric from the dems and the repubs, no new way to talk to us; Donald has the knack and he doesn’t use the prompter nor notes…Donald speaks to everything that has us on the edge, those damn illegal aliens. I want him to pull back on giving any of them amnesty, they have lived off our gravy train for years and it is time for that to end. Time for the criminals and the “good” to take their asses back where they came from!

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