Exclusive–Jeff Sessions: No Senator Should Vote for Holder Replacement Who Doesn’t ‘Firmly Reject’ Executive Amnesty

Breitbart — Senate Budget Commitee ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) told Breitbart News exclusively that the replacement for the outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder should publicly “firmly reject” President Barack Obama’s planned executive amnesty, or every U.S. Senator should vote against him or her. Sessions noted that the Senate Democrats have played as a team to protect Obama’s planned executive amnesty—something the president delayed until after the upcoming midterm election so as to not hurt vulnerable Senate Democrats seeking re-election—but if the president carries through with his plans it would cause an even greater surge in illegal immigration. “This illegal executive amnesty—which the Senate Democrat Caucus has worked together to protect—would destroy immigration enforcement in America,” Sessions said. “It would wipe away the moral authority for our immigration laws and invite a flood of new illegal immigration.” [Read More]


  1. Hopefully, Holder’s replacement will not be a person who is as racist as he is, a true legal American person who realizes that he/she is an employee of the American people, has knowledge of our Constitution, has common sense, and carries out the wishes of his/her employers, the LEGAL American taxpayers.

  2. Obama is engaging in his plan to overwhelm us with ILLEGAL INVADERS INCLUDING TERRORISTS! He must be stopped from enacting this act of TREASON!

  3. Perhaps Sessions should take a hard look at what Emperor Obama has in mind for the Supreme Court.

    There WILL be openings before the supposed end of his term.

    Justice Eric Holder anyone?

    Imagine the damage he could do from the Bench!

  4. AN HONEST SENATOR??? We the people have been pushing, without any recognition from the idiots currently doing the job of “protecting the citizens” for just what you want: NO amnesty to criminals who knew in crossing the border they were criminals in EVERY COUNTRY OF THE WORLD….. EXCEPT THE U.S.OF A$$HOLES!!! They promised to return and, except for the increase in pedophiles attacking our children ages 4 and up, they have hidden in churches and wherever!!! They made no contribution to our economy…. but will qualify for foods stamps, education, medical, housing, and everything else at the expense of the people who DO punch a clock… who are currently striving to stay ahead of the government spending… who resent, let me repeat who RESENT the gift of citizenship given to criminals AT THE EXPENSE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO PLAY BY THE RULES… WHO COMPLETED AN APPLICATION… WHO MET ALL THE RULES OF ENTRY… WHO HAVE WAITED AND CONTINUE TO WAIT FOR AN OK TO ENTER WITH THE BLESSINGS OF EVERY WORKING CITIZEN!!!! THEY, ABOVE ALL, DESERVE BETTER THAN THE CRIMINALS CURRENTLY IN FAVOR!!!! YOU CAN’T POSSIBLY BELIEVE THAT THE PARENTS AND EXTENDED FAMILIES ARE NOT WAITING FOR THESE KIDS TO GET A HOME, PAPERS, ETC. AND THEN PUSH IN TO CREATE THE HOME TAKEN FROM THEM BY THE IDIOT-IN-CHARGE, THE BLACK PINOCCHIO!!!! This action is NOT right… NOT fair to the citizens and families of these illegals!!! WE DO NOT WANT THEM!!! We want honor and respect from everyone playing by the rules because, as a country, WE SHOULD ALSO BE PLAYING BY THE RULES!!! I know, it is difficult with criminals throughout our entire government, but SOMEWHERE THERE MUST BE MORAL, HONEST REPRESENTATIVES….. I just don’t know where!!! PUTIN LOOKS MORE MORAL AND HONEST THAN EVERY A$$WIPE in our government!!!

  5. NONE of BHO’s executive orders should be funded! Without funds the IDIOT’S CRAP will die in limbo.

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