DHS Nabs 8 Syrians Sneaking Across the Border

The Department of Homeland Security has confirmed they have detained 8 Syrians who were trying to illegally enter the United States earlier this week.

Syrian refugees, one of them holding copy of the Koran, shout Islamic slogans against Assad at Boynuyogun refugee camp in Hatay province in Turkey. Syrian border March 16, 2012.

The information was leaked since the Obama Administration wants to keep a lid on any potentially dangerous stories about illegal immigrants out of the news.

Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector. The federal agents spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity, however, a local president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) confirmed that Laredo Border Patrol agents have been officially contacting the organization with concerns over reports from other federal agents about Syrians illegally entering the country in the Laredo Sector. The reports have caused a stir among the sector’s Border Patrol agents.

The sources claimed that eight Syrians were apprehended on Monday, November 16, 2015. According to the sources, the Syrians were in two separate “family units” and were apprehended at the Juarez Lincoln Bridge in Laredo, Texas, also known officially as Port of Entry 1.


This is not the first time illegal aliens from terrorist countries have penetrated the Southern Border:

Breitbart Texas can confirm that a Syrian did attempt to enter the U.S. illegally through Texas in late September. The Syrian was caught using a passport that belonged to someone else and U.S. authorities decided against prosecuting anyone involved due to “circumstances.”


Texas Governor Greg Abbott is one of the majority of governors across the nation to demand no Syrian refugees for their states and he tweeted why:




  1. johnfkostrubal says

    Why cross illegally, Barack Hussein Obama will let them in with open arms .

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