Deported 20 Times: Illegal Leads Cops in High Speed Chase


Pinal County residents were in danger as 20 time deportee Genaro Cisneros-Delgado led cops on a dangerous high speed chase through the streets.

Delgado and three compatriots crashed their vehicle through the gates of a retirement community and blazed through the streets before hitting a dead end.

The quartet then fled on foot but were apprehended by police.

No doubt Delgado will have a driver’s license and probably a work permit in a couple of months.


  1. greyhound bus says

    smoke bus freight

  2. greyhound bus says

    my other picture didn’t work

  3. gingergirl says

    Deported 20 times???? This is unacceptable, Mr. President! Americans want their country back. I say brand the illegals before deporting – a big IA (Illegal Alien) or LBI (Law breaking Illegal!) before sending them back! If they know they are going to be branded upon capture, maybe they would hesitate to come here. And, no, I am not talking about a branding iron – a big fat tattoo across the forehead would work just fine! We need to get serious about solving this problem or we are going to lose America!

  4. Elmer Fredrick says

    What can you expect from a BLACK IDIOT ?

  5. If O’Big Ears had a son, it would be Delgado…….

  6. Loren Wright says

    now now….! Remember he is also half white!

  7. the American says

    Shoot this fool already Before he kills an American citizen. ..20 times already? And these bastard politicians say the border is secure!???

  8. the American says

    no if the bastard had a son it would be Bergdahl

  9. ovomit/satan the ineligible treasonous war crimes racist muslum traitor in the wh.and eric{i,m in contempt of court}holder all illegal{means against the law}aliens who commit a crime against a legal american citizen.we will bring law suit against you for taking an oath of office to protect and defend the constitituion and we the people against all foreign and domestic threats which these illegal aliens are a threat to american citizens

  10. Philip Allen says

    This is why Obama needs to be impeached and tried for treason…He supports letting illegals with criminals records stay in the United States, and get free education, healthcare, jobs, and welfare to boot. Time for Obama to be tried for being a traitor, and violating the US Constitution by making laws he doesn’t have the right to do. Only Congress can make laws. Obama needs to be found guilty of treason and put in prison and if he ever gets out deported to Iran where we will never have to deal with him again.

  11. You’re absolutely right! I don’t know what it’s going to take before these criminal politicians actually enforce our immigration laws. I know the ant-Christ in the White House has no intention of ever doing it.

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