Corsi: Here Come 5 Million New “Obamnesty” Votes for Democrats

Dr. Jerome Corsi — Let’s face it.

Barack Obama has decided he’s above the law.

With the Obama amnesty, or Obamnesty, he declared with a series of “presidential memos,” lawyers analyzing the action have concluded Obama simply “nullified” existing immigration laws to the detriment of those millions that stand in line, follow legal procedures, and become citizens.

Barack Obama has decided to hand out Social Security numbers to maybe 5 million illegal immigrants simply because they are parents to a child that has U.S. birthright citizenship or legal U.S. residency status, provided the parents have been in the country for five years and their taxes are current.

There is nothing in the Obamnesty executive orders that requires the 4 million illegal immigrants getting Social Security numbers to become citizens or even to recite the pledge of allegiance to the United States.

Once the 5 million illegal immigrants get Social Security cards, what is to prevent them from getting state-issued driver’s licenses.

To compound the damage done to lawful citizens, Obama insists the 5 million will be exempt from Obamacare requirements, with the result the 5 million illegal immigrants get a competitive advantage in seeking employment versus the more expensive U.S. citizens applying for the job that are subject to Obamacare requirements.

Then, bingo, the real prize comes around and what is to stop the 5 million illegal immigrants armed with legally-issued and verifiable Social Security numbers and equally legally-issued and verifiable state driver’s licenses from registering to vote.

Since Democratic Party operatives have empirical evidence from past elections that demonstrates the 5 million illegal immigrants will overwhelmingly vote for Democratic Party candidates, Barack Obama has just stacked the deck against GOP electoral opponents.

Moreover, since Democratic Party operatives are certain to blame GOP members of Congress for “blocking” a vote in the House that may have approved a Senate-passed “comprehensive immigration reform bill,” the 5 million illegal immigrants in gratitude to President Obama will have reason to vote Democratic more strongly that even past elections would suggest…

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  1. Rob theisen says

    This President is completely lawless..I have never seen anything like it..Clinton and Nixon were choir boys compared to Obama..

  2. Stephen Hiller says

    Would someone PLEASE get the memo – there is no difference between Dems and Repubs, except the label.
    As long as we the citizens allow “career politicians” to rule the roost, nothing, zero, zip, nada will ever change – except for the worse.

  3. knowledgeisgood says

    How I see this Illegal issue is this, Obama is doing the same thing for the illegals, as was done for him. He was given a dead mans Social Security Card, and now he is giving these illegal SS cards, with the only difference being, he received his under stealth conditions in order to hide his illegality, while he is giving these illegals ss cards openly. There is no doubt that this pig thinks he is a king, and know that those who can do some thing about this pigs action, is to scared to stop him, because they are puzzies in their political party, while we sit by allowing this pig to get away with it. I’m fed up with all this BS. From the president down to the political parties, they can all kiss my A$$.

  4. Clinton and Nixon were choir boys compared to Lyndon B. Johnson hes’s the one that robbed the Social Security Trust Fund , Jan. 1 1965 there was 52 TRILLION DOLLARS the trust fund, Check out the 1934 Social Security Act. Then check out the 1965 Act. and Obama is a thousand tims worse.
    Here is another little bit of information for you, Type in Google search, Supreme Court ruling on natural born citizen, there are 4 what you will get is excerpts from the actual Supreme Court Ruling a link is provided to get the case

  5. What you have sitting in Congress is a made for TV soap opera, where on friday every member of the cast gets their script from their puppet masters for the following week. THINK ABOUT IT.

  6. sherri palmer says

    I understand your feelings,… but re: your request, they are not good enough…

  7. knowledgeisgood says

    OK, fill in the Blanks that supposedly missed, thank you.

  8. sherri palmer says

    this is what I meant, they are not good enough to kiss your a– or anyone else’s

  9. knowledgeisgood says

    I meant no harm, my thought was, if I missed something, just fill it in, sorry for the misunderstanding.

  10. sherri palmer says

    It angers me that the GOP gave this POS his amnesty funding, now they claim they will do something to stop it in February…which February are they talking about, the one in neverland or the one on mars?

  11. sherri palmer says

    no problem : )

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