Confirmed: Arrested Murderer of “Top Model” Spared Deportation by Obama

The Department of Homeland Security confirmed that known gang member Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez was allowed to stay in the United States thanks to President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive order.

Rangel-Hernandez stands accused of murdering former contestant on “America’s Next Top Model” Mirjana Puhar and three others in Charlotte, NC shortly after his deportation was delayed.

DHS finally got around to answering the simple question posed by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) back in early March. Did DHS grant amnesty to Rangel-Hernandez?  And why didn’t they know he was a gang member since that information was already contained in a government database?

DHS hernandez letter

DHS acknowledges the gang affiliation was part of a government database but claims not to have been aware of it.

The Background Check Unit should have noticed the TECS record and denied Rangel-Hernandez’s amnesty petition. It didn’t, for reasons that are unclear. According to CIS, 49 people out of the more than 886,000 cases approved for DACA relief were either known gang members when they applied or their affiliation became known during or after their applications were approved.

This begs the question: How many more mistakes were made in processing hundreds of thousands of these defered actions?

DHS claims that 282 applicants had their DACA applications rejected for suspected gang or other criminal activity, but that’s only a guesstimate because, inexplicably, they don’t keep electronic records of the reason for rejecting each application. Needless to say, not all criminal affiliations will be so well known to authorities that they’ll make their way into a federal database. But even when the feds have reason to worry, it’s not always a dealbreaker for amnesty (for adults, at least): Releasing illegals with criminal records back onto America’s streets is par for the course. Exit question: Out of a population of more than 662,000 people approved for DACA so far, fewer than 350 (i.e. 282 rejected and 49 wrongfully approved) have suspected criminal affiliations?

Remember, President Obama now wants to grant amnesty to ten times as many illegal immigrants under his executive action of last November. Based on the current record of his DHS, can anyone expect thousands of dangerous criminals will escape a through background check.

A background check which would have saved the life of Mirjana Puhar and three others.





  1. greyhound bus says

    school teachers say books are dangerous. sounds like hitler all over again

  2. The sad thing is that Obama does not care.

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