Clinton’s Plans to “Go Further” With Immigration Than Obama Has

crazy clintonPresident Obama has attempted to reform immigration more drastically than any other president, but Hillary Clinton STILL isn’t satisfied.

“If Congress continues to refuse to act, I will do everything under the law to go further than what President Obama has attempted to achieve,” Clinton said.

She plans to increase funding for preschool programs, including Head Start, an early childhood education program for low-income families that she worked on during her husband’s presidency.

“All of our kids need the opportunity to get off the to the best possible start, but too many children are getting behind,” she said.

Clinton repeated calls for universal voter registration. “We should be making it easier to vote, not putting up barriers that disempower and disenfranchise Americans,” she said. “Who are those barriers aimed at: young people, poor people and people of color.”

But not everyone is convinced she can follow through.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus released a statement saying that Clinton is “only looking out for her own political ambition.”

“As she has proven time and again, Hillary Clinton will say anything to get elected — making big promises she won’t and can’t keep, just like President Obama,” Priebus said in the statement.



  1. greyhound bus says


  2. greyhound bus says

    mind control drug

  3. greyhound bus says

    more illegals = more Guns

  4. sherri palmer says

    then her grandchild should go to school with little piss pots from mexico and be exposed to their 3rd world diseases…

  5. uchsamin says

    Its all about loading the USA with ignorant peasants so that when the gov gives them their weekly food stamps they will do anything to support the democrat party.
    Thank God there is a 6 ft plot of ground waiting for that witch.

  6. TexRancher says

    And we thought Obama is a TRAITOR! Hillary promises to go farther in selling us out? Is she trying to make the Rosenbergs heros? ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION KILLS! Accomplices should be in Leavenworth now!

  7. She dares to say “I will do everything…. yadada …. under the law that I can” ….. and yet SHE HAS BROKEN the law, over and over, “failing to report MILLIONS” (great quote from Bill) and then, she deleted ALL e-mails for an entire 4 week period while she was on Government business in Libya, and then “left four men behind” who died in Benghazi, without ANY HELP BEING SENT TO THEM. THEN Hillary went around lying that it was a local uprising because of a video on the internet, not a terrorist attack, when she knew for ten days prior to the attack that terrorists were planning to attack our Embassay. She swore under oath that she had no knowledge of the Ambassador asking for extra security (which we know she did have knowledge of because her initials were on one of those requests), that oooooops, just suddenly showed up and somehow didn’t get destroyed with all the rest of the e-mails and Benghazi stuff. She has NO regard for the law! I still can’t figure out why she and Bill aren’t in jail right this minute. Let me ask anyone reading this…. what would happen to you or me if “we failed to report MILLIONS” with an S, on our income tax filing. BUT took the deduction for helping a few charities. Sweet if you can get away with it!

    Talk about tax cheaters! Why aren’t Clinton’s in jail?

  8. sherri palmer says

    Like she gives a damn about young people, poor people and people of color! All of this is primarily for illegal aliens, so don’t get your stuff out of joint, she is not doing this for black people…she is looking for the Hispanic and illegal vote! no way do we want another “obama,” and no way do we want another Clinton!

  9. The only people voter laws keep from voting are illegal aliens and even they still manage to vote!

  10. alpambuena says

    I think Hillary would suck up to isis if she could get a vote.

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