Census Data Reveals Immigration Effect

European whites will be a minority in the United States by 2044 according to projections published by the U.S. Census.

The Economist reports that more lenient immigration laws in the 1960s took the Hispanic population from just 7m in 1970 to 57m today, a number which is predicted to double by 2050.

Hispanic populations in the U.S. boast a much higher birth rate than other groups contributing to their ascendancy.

Currently, 85% of Hispanics are legal residents and Latino growth is not so much from immigration anymore as it is from births in the United States.

According to a study published by Pew Research on March 9, births within the Hispanic community drives 78 per cent of population growth in the United States.

Census projections do not include any increased immigration thanks to the Open Border policy of the Obama Administration. So, these numbers may be even more skewed in the near future as a cascade of new illegal immigrants rushes toward the border.



  1. Well of course hispanic birth rates are higher then whites as the hispanics have kids on welfare, food stamps ect while the whites can t afford to have kids as they have to pay higher taxes to support the hispanic kids!

  2. Jim Gilchrist says

    Dear Minutemen/women,

    So, you want to stop the illegal alien invasion insanity?

    The best candidate for president is Texas Senator Ted Cruz, in my opinion. He is an unbending rule-of-law politician with a large and loyal conservative following, including millions of conservatives from America’s Hispanic voting ranks.

    If the Republican Party wants to nominate a candidate for president who will bring our nation back under the rule of law insofar as the chaotic immigration dilemma, then I submit that Senator Ted Cruz is the person to do it.

    If the Republicans nominate another open border sympathizer like Jeb Bush or Lindsey Graham, etc., then I may very well resign from the Republican Party. I encourage everyone to follow suit. After all, we want candidates who represent “US” as American citizens, and to stop representing the interests of foreign nations at our expense.

    Jim Gilchrist, The Minuteman Project

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