CA Sheriff Stands Up to Illegal Immigrant Bullying

Kern County Sheriff Donny Youngblood is an old-fashioned law enforcement officer.  He sees it as his duty to enforce and uphold the law.

But thanks to crazy California lawmakers, he’s forced to make choice: enforce the law or ignore it.

So far, Youngblood is choosing to enforce it and that’s made the Open Border lobby howling mad.

So mad that the Governor of California called him personally:

“What are you trying to do to me?” the sheriff said Brown asked him.

“What are you trying to do to me?” Youngblood shot back.

Youngblood had announced he would no longer follow the dictates of the misnamed Trust Act which expressly forbid local law enforcement from cooperating with federal officials over illegal immigration. Currently, the federal government relies on local law enforcement to hold suspected illegals until they can be processed.

That’s not acceptable to the Open Borders crowd. Youngblood’s stance, to hold potential criminals, has made him a target for hatred and bullying from the massive illegal alien lobbying machine.

The sheriff’s immigration stance sounds like common sense to most Americans:

The federal government should start enforcing immigration laws — or write new ones, he said. He criticized President Obama’s new deportation policies, which say most immigrants who have not committed serious crimes and have fewer than three minor crimes on their records should not be priorities for removal.

“You’re in this country illegally and we’re going to give you three bites of the apple? That’s three victims!” Youngblood said. “If you commit crimes, you oughta go.”

He has also raised the ire of the Open Borders gang by actually doing his job and not rubberstamping papers for illegals to use to evade justice for their crimes.

He has largely refused to sign paperwork that immigrant crime victims need to apply for U visas, which allow some victims to stay in the country lawfully. As president of the Major County Sheriffs’ Assn., a national advocacy group, he has asked Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials to share data with police so patrol officers can determine whether the person they stop may be in the country illegally.

While Sheriff Youngblood isn’t popular in the salons of the politically connected, he’s managed to win reelection three times since 2006.

Fluhart said Youngblood’s views are refreshing in a state where politicians have passed bills that she says encourage unlawful immigration.

“They broke the law,” Fluhart said. “They shouldn’t be rewarded.”

Certainly, Sheriff Youngblood will be a target of the pro-amnesty lobby the next time he runs.  Hopefully, his common sense approach to law enforcement will once again resonate with the good people of Kern County.


  1. The Mexicans really don’t want to anger Texas!

  2. WTF does texas have to do with this story?
    Or, vice versa?

  3. get rid of the MALADO problem over

  4. Guess you have not pulled your head out of your A$$ or you might have a clue how it relates! Now be off troll I have better things to waste my time on like taking a $h!+!

  5. The one county Sheriff that moon-beam can not walk on. give him hell sheriff!!

  6. all part of ovomits/satans agenda21{new world order}to saturate the usa with illegals{means against the law}aliens/drug cartels/muslum terrorists so ovomit can continue to destroy america.we stand with you sheriff donny youngblood against the ineligible treasonous war crimes racist muslum terrorists in the wh,and his unconstitituional adminstration.the only legal american constitituional law emforcement is the sheriffs dept.think the police are here to protect you and me think again,and google the name joe loziito and see what the ny city police dept lawyers said to joe when he was attacked on a ny subway,with 2 ny city police not 25 ft away from him.while joe was in a fight for his life against a man with a butcher knife.joe was stabbed in the skull back and hand.god bless all legal american veterans/citizens

  7. Arrest governor moon beam for crimes committed and for dating Linda Ronstadt.

  8. Exactly, the Feds should start enforcing the immigration laws we already have. But, since the 1986 Amnesty they have chosen not to and that is why we have the crisis at the border. And it’s only gotten worse since Obama has taken office. Is it any wonder California is running out of water due to over population from Mexico and the rest of the Third World.

  9. Philip Allen says

    Sheriff Youngblood is the type of person the Republicans need to run for the Presidency. Straight forward, honest, has guts and willing to do the right things when put under pressure. Thanks Sheriff Youngblood! PS. he would get my vote!!

  10. the American says

    As long as illegals can’t commit voter fraud in kern county, this Americans loving sheriff will remain, the open borders criminals can shove it.

  11. greyhound bus says

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