Border Patrol Union Fires Back Against Open Border Advocates

BREITBART — LUBBOCK, Texas—The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) fired back against the left-of-center American Immigration Council (AIC) over a report that largely used unsubstantiated claims and out of context numbers to attack the men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol agency. Breitbart Texas covered the AIC report previously, as well as other left-of-center efforts to attack the Border Patrol and the agency’s ability to perform its mission. The NBPC wrote in a statement, “The National Border Patrol Council, representing 17,000 United States Border Patrol agents, takes issue with the study conducted by the American Immigration Council alleging that Border Patrol agents are abusing illegal aliens and that Customs and Border Protection is turning a blind eye.” [Read More]


  1. Dennis B Anderson says

    I would hope every state in the union would hold, deport, convict, incarcerate, put to death the illegals that do not belong here. This is Didneyland thinking. I recall signs in my youth that said illegals here in the states were subject to the death penalty. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Had enough of the muslim imposter you call king. If it looks like a duck, walks like one, quacks like one guess what it is!! In awe of what this stick with ears has gotten away with I have made this observation.==
    “” Does a goose go barefoot “” ???????????

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