Border Patrol Stripping Agents Of Their Rifles

KVOA News — The News 4 Tucson Investigators have uncovered that some U.S. Border Patrol agents have lost a key part of their arsenal. And that has agents who patrol along the border here, extremely worried. We learned that U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Offices of Border Patrol and Training and Development are inspecting the quality of agents’ M4 carbines throughout Border Patrol sectors nationwide. But agents tell us, some of those M4s have not been replaced. And, we’ve learned, agents are required to share rifles amongst each other. “There’s a lot of agents that are pretty upset over it,” said Art del Cueto, president of the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector union. “We know it’s a dangerous job. We know what we signed on for but we want to have as much of the equipment as we need to perform the job.” The M4 carbine is used by the U.S. military and by Border Patrol agents. It’s even used by the Border Patrol’s tactical unit, BORTAC. Agent Brian Terry was carrying the M4 when he was shot and killed in December 2010. Del Cueto tells us that because some of those M4s have not been replaced, agents are pooling their weapons, which makes it difficult to personalize the settings on a rifle, such as the sights. “The problem is they are now pool guns so what happens is instead of having their individual ones they have sighted in they’re having to use a pool weapon that you don’t know who used it before you,” del Cueto said.
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  1. Why not carry one’s own individually owned and sighted sporting rifles, they would be much more accurate at longer ranges.. Even allowing individual Officers to purchase their own preferred surplus ex- Military Equipment such as the efficient M14 ? – would make the Border a little more secure – Oh ! – I forgot the official White House policy is to make the Southern Border completely insecure – silly me .

  2. sherri palmer says

    this is how it is when we have a Marxist sitting in our WH, that is to make our border patrol more vulnerable and aiding the drug cartel to move about more freely to bring in drugs…it is too bad that after the Nov 4 election all asses were not trotted out the day after the election and replaced with the new blood

  3. perhaps obama plans are replacing the weapons with baskets of fruit and flowers to welcome criminals into our country!

  4. O but the M14 would give a +300yd. advantage over the M4, can’t have that.


  6. sherri palmer says

    Whatever he does to us, he is doing to his family and I hope they get hit hard!

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