Border Agent’s “Desperate” Plea to Jim Gilchrist, Minuteman Project

Jim Gilchrist received this disturbing plea for help from a Border Patrol agent over the weekend. You won’t believe what this officer of the law is forced to witness!



From: [redacted]

Subject:  Border Patrol Agent RGV Sector (Texas)
Date: November 22, 2014 12:26:54 PM PST
To: Jim Gilchrist

I am a Border Patrol Agent in the Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV-Texas), south of Corpus Christi, Texas. Thank you for your continued support and coverage of the ongoing crisis on the border. I would like to take a moment to convey the absolute desperation that we are reaching down here. We have been ordered to release thousands of Family Units (Parent/Child), and thousands of teenage unaccompanied juveniles (Under 18). We have encountered numerous instances of fraud, kidnapping, and exploitation where adults are claiming that very young children are their own, when in fact they are not. Many of the unaccompanied juveniles are claiming that they have a responsible parent to be released to, when in fact they do not.

As a Border Patrol Agent, I can tell you as an eye witness that we are currently losing more than we are catching. On a good day, we catch approximately 30 to 40 percent of all crossers while the rest simply get away. In the RGV, we have been averaging around 10,000 apprehensions per week. That means we are losing well over 10,000 aliens per week. And the aliens that are getting away are not the juveniles or the family units because they are turning themselves in at the first sight of agents. The ones we are losing are convicted felons, aliens from special interest countries, and other high risk individuals. We are so overwhelmed and preoccupied by the flood of juveniles and family units that we cannot use our resources to catch the more serious aliens.

In the RGV, we have been releasing aliens, through ICE, in Brownsville, Texas and McAllen, Texas. We have been ordered to go out of our way to bus them to those locations for release because they are cities of mostly Hispanic heritage, so fewer people will notice or care. We have been doing that for months before the stories broke in Phoenix, Arizona a couple of weeks ago.

We cannot get any attention or relief down here. We desperately need immediate manpower, resources, and a firm support of Americans. This is de facto amnesty. The President and the Secretary of Homeland Security will ignore this issue as long as possible in order to let as many illegal aliens gain entry into the United States.

Again, thank you for your undying support and patriotism. You have no idea how much my fellow agents and I appreciate it.

[Identity withheld to protect writer]


  1. Such in your face Treason, and no one is doing anything about it. We now have a dictatorship.

  2. Rob theisen says

    King Obama has decided (especially since he was rebuked loudly by the voters in the last election) that he is just going to import voters who will support his dangerous and damaging policies..This amnesty is great for illegals and Democrats, but it is very bad for everyone else.

  3. The only word I think Obama is working on now is REVENGE.
    If you get in his way, he puts the dogs on you. Everyone is becoming afraid to speak up. Like Hagal, gone!!! Newspaper reporter, gone. I worry about Trey Gowdy, I sure hope he isn’t on the list of “Payback”

  4. Very soon. You all are going to have a Mexican president in the USA. Like Pancho Villa, with a large size Mexican hat. That is going to be your punishment for been so racist. You, the so call “white race” invaded here and push away the Native Americans. And now you all get mad because more “invaders” are coming here to work. To do all the hard work that no white person want to do. It is true that some of them are criminals and lazy, just like white and black Americans.
    It is NOT true that they come here to take your welfare. The only ones who get welfare are the children born here or the US citizens. All the other people who work, with legal or illegal papers, pay taxes on every single thing they buy.
    They work very hard for a not well pay work.
    When they work with fake names, they pay SS and you know who keep that money? The government.
    Thanks to all the illegals working with fake names, SS ADm,still-alive. with all the millions that the so call illegal pay.
    Who build your homes? All the illegal aliens who take care of construction works.
    Go to a grocery store and look at all the white and black fellows, paying with EBT card, while the illegals, are paying with cash money
    I can still here for hours and never end. Hope you guys believe in God, Jesus, and go to Church every Sunday and talk about God and love.
    Don’t be hypocrites, read the Bible.
    Good night.

  5. Karen Criner says

    After 9/11 and even before that, our borders should have been addressed and secured, and, be the most secured in the world. Boots on the ground and the first shot is not a warning!

  6. PostTosties says

    I wonder if Americans can and should by law go to the border with guns to protect our nation! Obama is committing treason by allowing this invasion of the U.S.

  7. “The alien will rise higher and higher, they will become the head and you will become the tail.” The blessings and the cursings of Prophecy.
    I read my bible, and i understand exactly what is happening. What you do not understand is that this will become a 3rd world nation too, and where will you be? You will be right back scratching to make your living like you are claiming that we are now. So don’t be so smug my dear, the writing is on the wall for you as well.

  8. I promise you. It will be better that Obama, and the economy will raise

  9. The duty of the president is to ensure that our laws are enforced which this president refuses to do. He is endangering our citizens and our country and must be removed!

  10. PostTosties says

    Well the Barry got back at the citizens for rejecting his policies in early November! We said NO THANKS BUM!

  11. PostTosties says

    And does the Bible mean this for today? I doubt it stupid.

  12. PostTosties says

    Yeah right. Hahahaha

  13. Karen. In all this years, NEVER has been not even one Terroristic act by the people so call “Illegals”. All the terroristic acts has been done by people who came to US legally, with Visa and by airplanes and by some Americans who are anti America.Killing innocent people is not the solution. Actually that is the same people who helped the US economy for the past 100 years, because white people and black Americans will not do the hard and dirty jobs

  14. sherri palmer says

    I have asked this question over and over again, afterall, we want to protect our country from this invading enemy and we know that Obama will never do it…moreover, I keep asking “what are we waiting for”, Obama will only give them amnesty in the end, and we are trying to go thru “legal” channels and nothing seems to stop him or the illegals. I have great respect for a cou_.

  15. sherri palmer says

    It IS TRUE that they come here for all of the FREE stuff, they are treated better than American citizens, they tell one lie after the other and everyone accepts it w/o documentation…for your information they all collect welfare and subsidies and contrary to the WH they do not pay taxes. They get FREE prescriptions, healthcare, soc security, EBT cards, subsidized housing & free and/or subsidized utilities, clothes, every damn thing…commit crimes and serve less time than Americans…they have obama and their special interest groups writing laws to protect their asses… they work very hard at ripping us off! They are making out like crooks, getting our social security and when their relatives come to visit them and they are 62 and over, they get our social security w/o having paid a damn thing into it. Even if you are a permanent resident, you get the same. This country is good to everybody except us who pay into every welfare system this country has, So, what are you talking about!

  16. It is very funny listening to all you ignorant people.When you are saying something, make sure you know that per fact.. First I am not an alien. You guys remember who is the real people from America? The Natives, the ones that English people, our relatives, killed, abussed and mistreat. Ms.Palmer. I can’t believe your words. Get educated first and then write information that is true. Your lies prove your degree of lack of knowledge. All that “illegals, pay SS using somebody else number and name, and they are NEVER able to clain. The ones that are legal, pay their SS and they deserve, because they pay it, to collect when they can. About getting welfare, EBT and doing crime, compare crime rate by white and black so call “American” but they are no more that a bunch of criminals, rats and brats, but ignorant people play to be blind. About Welfare and EBT, the only ones who qualify, are the children born HERE. The only part where you are right is that while pregnant, the mother receive government (tax payers) money help. All the other stuff you claim it is NOT true. I can see all of you claiming to be Christians. hahahahaha life is funny. Like the Bible explain.. Be careful with the false people predicating and looking like Lambs, when they are wolves.

  17. She_patriot says

    Actually Cris, an average of 22 US citizens a day die at the hands of illegal aliens. Lets address terrorism, it may not come in the same form as islamic terrorist but the millions of people that come and or stay in our country illegally do cause economic terrorism to each one of us, they drive down wages, according to this administration over two thirds of their households collect one or more forms of welfare, they collect EBT, medicade, housing, WIC and the list goes on. If they are not working under the table then they use fraudulent ID and SS# and claim an outrageous amount of dependents and pay very little in taxes and yet file and get child tax credit. Few, less than 10% hold an agriculture job so spare me the poor farming immigrant scenario. I also want to point out they usually do take what used to be considered “teen first jobs” which leaves the financial burden completely on the parent as the household expenses increase during the teen years. FYI the old hard and dirty jobs talking points do not hold water either. Lastly I want to point out that not one single illegal alien comes from a country that has not benefited from foreign aid from our country! It has to stop, we are the greatest Nation on earth and yet now under this president we literally have no borders. How long can we remain great?

  18. I understand you are getting inf. from “offices”. I can talk with real facts, My sister in law, she came here illegal. She has never receive a penny from welfare. Who ever is make that inf. public is telling the wrong inf.. It is just a way to mislead. She used to work with some body else SS. Who got the benefit? The government. it is no way she can claim, except if she fix her papers. I owned a trucking companies, and manyn places where I used to go to p up procducts, all they had working there are illegals. Help? Which help? Don’t believe everything some office say. It is just like the unemployemnet, They claim is down. That is a lie. It is very simple. People benefits expire and they cant claim no more. Like the recession. do you truly in your heart believe 2008 recession been over? I been thru 3 of this. No it is not over. believe me about 22 killings daily by illegals? Crimes are public records. Ask for the criminals name of a whole month. I truly believe the frontier needs to be close, but don’t believe all the lies about the government paying and wasting all that money on illegals.

  19. She_patriot says

    I get all my information regarding illegal alien statistics from government sites and you may correct that the numbers are misleading, I believe the scenario is much worse than this administration will admit. 22 deaths a day is also correct, most are not cold blooded murders in fact the majority are due to drinking and driving but they are still dead, in fact the DACA star that was on the cover of Time a while back recently killed two young children while drinking and driving and only got probation, that family would be in tact if our laws were enforced. I have watched for over two decades and studied very closely the subject of illegal aliens and the economic effects in different areas of our society and was asked by DHS in 2009 to give input and suggestions. The taxpayers are getting the dirty end of the stick while the employers benefit and government agencies grow larger to deal with the onslaught. The fact is it needs to stop especially with the recent (last ten years) massive growth in the muslim community. Assimilation will never happen if we continue the way it is going and our melting pot culture will be destroyed forever.

  20. Now we are getting real. 22 deaths but not cold blooded. You are talking about accidents including DUI. I believe that is about real. Question… How many people get kill daily by white DUI’s and what about black? it has to be ac cording to the people volume. that is worldwide. About the empleoyers been stealing from all that hard workers…. deal with the thief, not with the hard workers. About Muslims…well Mr president give them visas and all them are legal here. let’s get real The problem it is the government, not the people who works very hard and get underpaid, abused, rape, mistreated, overwork, etc.. Welfare????? I still looking for that help.

  21. She_patriot says

    It is not an accident to get behind a wheel of a vehicle while drunk and the majority of those have all been repeat offenders and never deported as required by law and each one of the people that is killed by a drunk driver that is here illegally would still be alive if the alien had not broken our law and if our government enforced it. It is not about race for goodness sake, it is the fact that people invade the United States without regard to our laws, drain our system, take jobs, crowd our schools, vote illegally, use fake forged or stole documents to accomplish their own goals, refuse to learn the language and our melting pot culture. There are millions of muslims here that came on a temporary visa, visitor, business or student and have overstayed and are also here illegally, many are form countries that are not our friends and Europe is seeing the folly of an open immigration system as proposed by the potus and it is crushing their culture and draining them financially. As far as dealing with employers, Immigration Reform as passed by the senate lets all employers off the hook and that in my opinion is worse than giving an alien a work permit, they need to be held accountable they are the ones that used and abused everyone, the illegal aliens and the the legal immigrants and the taxpayers. Some employers would be on the hook for billions in fines and restitution, that is why they are throwing money at the issue.

  22. sherri palmer says

    I agree with you…I think terrorists should be acted on the way they treat us, illegals get every damn thing and we foot the bill, severe punishment would be a good thing while the antichrist is playing golf at our expense

  23. sherri palmer says

    you get educated… if you are here illegally you are an alien! we are talking about illegals, Illegals also get earned tax credit which is for American citizens, so you get your facts straight. so whats your name cristez ? Illegals have been collecting social security for years, you get it straight! they get medicare, medicade, obamacare, they get whatever they ask for and no agency dares to refuse them because of the antichrist in the WH. we were told by the lying ass in the WH that illegals would not be elliglble for obamacare, but part of the reason for the surge was for new subscribers for obamacare and they were told to ask for it. In osamas words, hurry up and pass obamacare so illegals can sign up. You have not been paying attention.

  24. oppss. I guess when people is wrong… they run to desperation. Sorry Sherri. You are a no-no. Don’t know what you are talking about. You need some mental helth. Good luck

  25. Start shooting!! If you need my help let me know

  26. They are doing this to eliminate the white race. The jews want no national identities. Go to to read the truth.

  27. Yes!

  28. wait until Obama tears down our police force. That’s in the makings right now. No guns and no police

  29. HE is not OUR president

  30. Blond and red haired mummies have been found here in Nevada and in Washington that date to 30,000 yrs ago. Long before the red man

  31. You are blond. I wont waste my valuable time with your senseless

  32. Oh boy. You can tell you are blond. ALL the way and meaning of the word

  33. we should have tanks and machine gun bunkers down there and everybody locked and loaded….this isn’t even back door amnesty anymore… is just pure criminal action on the part of the president and all of the amnesty supporters. states are in debt by the billions just to support these illegals, illegal criminals that were released from our jails and prisons are now back doing crimes, the Mexican drug cartels have been shipping meth by the tons across the border…and soon that will be our next epidemic….like the recent measles outbreak….look at the timing of those illegals coming across the border to the now measles outbreak.


  35. I know. Let’s just shoot the wetbacks and leave them lay.

  36. Tony Nash says

    Read”Ferguson, Missouri”.

  37. so we should just disregard the huge number of American citizens who have been murdered, raped and robbed by illegal aliens?

  38. dui in America is vehicle manslaughter and by the way you can google murdered americans

  39. Cindy Ogden says

    I think that is ultimately what will be needed, Diane. The government is NOT going to help. They will continue to encourage “Ya all come on in! I’ll leave the backdoor (Border) open and you can come on in and kill all these Americans as long as you save me and my family and best buds so we can spend all the money we took from them!”

  40. Where are the huge numbers. let’s take general numbers. Crimes in general and then take the percentage and see what you get. Most of dui are from white and black American citizens. rapes, robberies. Look at the local news and then talk about the real thing.
    I don’t drink, a I am not an illegal alien. I am just a citizen like many more, but some of you need to stop blaming on others the mistakes and law violations of the so call Patriots. How to solve the problem.
    First- Start working the hard and dirty jobs, and second learn how to educate and grow up good citizens out of your children.

  41. sherri palmer says

    a mind is a terrible thing to waste, but in your case, not so much

  42. Blacks are just Monkeys says

    Minute men! Round them up with rubber bullets and TASERS! Darts with tranquilizers if you have to! This illegal insurrection MUST STOP!!!

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