Bobby Jindal releases immigration web ad

In a bid to win over Republican voters who want a federal crackdown on illegal immigration, presidential candidate Bobby Jindal released a new web ad Tuesday that highlights his immigration policy:

Jindal, an underdog Republican presidential contender, will unveil a web advertisement on Tuesday that features remarks he made during a campaign appearance at the Iowa State Fair. The spot, part of a digital ad buy the Jindal campaign is targeting at potential Iowa caucus-goers, shows Jindal responding to liberal immigration protesters while he was speaking the Des Moines Register sponsored “soap box.”

“If you want freedom, if you love America; follow the law, learn English, adopt our values and get to work,” Jindal says in the ad, which was shared with the Washington Examiner on Monday evening.

Watch the video below:


  1. sherri palmer says

    I also do not like politicians talking to aliens, pro-amnesty groups about” do it legally”….we have had these aliens in our country forever and they should not be allowed to do anything except get out and never come back> We need a moratorium on nationals from south of the border because we are in a position of having our republic turned into socialism. The numbers of legals from south of the border should go down more than half of the American base because of the large numbers of children they have and because they already have used many of our natural and financial resources.

  2. Sorry Bobby, too little, too late.

  3. If we had mandatory E-Verify and the Social Security Administration cleaned up their records and cracked down on stolen identities, they would go home on their own.

  4. There must Never be a path to citizenship for anyone who entered illegally…those who break our laws should Not be rewarded!

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