Biden in Mexico: U.S. Needs ‘to Bring 11 Million Undocumented … Out of The Shadows’

Biden in Mexico: U.S. Needs 'to Bring 11 Million Undocumented Out of The Shadows'
CNS News — Speaking at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico City on Friday, Vice President Joe Biden said that the international partnerships he and President Barack Obama are seeking to build–including one between the United States and Mexico–are “literally going to shape the future for my country for the next 10, 20, 30, 40 years.”

Part of that future, Biden said, should involve letting “undocumented” people “out of the shadows” in the United States—terminology the administration and others have used to describe a policy that would legalize illegal aliens and allow them to eventually become U.S. citizens… [Read More]

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