Ann Coulter SCORCHES the GOP Establishment on Immigration

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter is well known as a firebrand when it comes to talking about illegal immigration.  Her latest column is no exception as it lays into the GOP Establishment which is selling out its base and then wondering why that base turns to leaders like Trump.Ann_Coulter_by_Gage_Skidmore_3

Most alarmingly, Trump brought up immigration. The Democrats thought they had this one in the bag — they’d worked it all out with Republicans! Both sides had agreed: I won’t talk about it if you won’t.

The decision has already been made: We aren’t going to ask the American people what they think. We’re just going to do this because we think we’re right, and at a certain point it will be impossible to reverse, because Republicans will never be able to win another national election.

The transformation of our country has been a deliberate, methodical process, carefully hidden from the public.

Until Trump started talking about immigration, most Americans had no idea that immigrants take more government assistance than natives, that we are allowing nearly half a million anchor babies a year to force their way into citizenship and a lifetime of welfare, and that we’re bringing in rapists, murderers and terrorists.

Immigration is an easy argument to win. But if you talk about it, the media will cut your mike.

Once the Democrats get the voters they want through immigration, they will be like kids in a candy store. What will they do first? Ban private ownership of guns? Strip Christian churches of their tax exemptions for being “homophobic”? Release criminals from prison? Imprison the police? It will be the LBJ and Carter administrations rolled into one for all time, without end.

All the debates we have now on talk radio and cable news will be completely irrelevant. The most left-wing policies imaginable will be enacted, with no opposition — as they are today in California.

No state has suffered more from unlimited immigration than California.  And it’s absolutely true that this deluge of immigration has totally changed the political makeup of the Golden State.


  1. the American says

    100 percent correct, another home run Coulter, indisputable.

  2. Dudley DoRight. says


  3. As a former resident of California, I can say that what once was a paradise is now turning into an over crowded Third World dump. It still has some nice areas, but you need to be a millionaire to live in those nice communities. And I am so grateful to Ann Coulter for her book “Adios America”. And I don’t care how much the media tries to trash Trump, he has my vote.

  4. DenisetheCelt says

    Nothing replaces WHITE. NOTHING. It’s not the land – magic dirt – it’s the PEOPLE.
    White is the WAY!

  5. Clete Tacker says

    It’s refreshing to hear someone speak the truth. ILLEGAL ALIENS are the darlings of the liberal freaks, for now.

  6. When I was growing up in California, it was 85% White and not much crime. Not anymore, it’s now 40% White and crime infested.

  7. Jim Gilchrist says

    The goal of the political establishment all along has been to “play ball” with each other to ensure that they will remain in control and in office perpetually. Never has the input of the general public over the illegal alien invasion dilemma been allowed to be considered in any decision making.

    There are two ways to seize a country: with bayonets fixed and rifles blazing, or, by an incremental transfer of foreign nation’s populations into the host country (the USA) without limit. Nation states have been changed and re-ordered by the latter method repeatedly over the centuries.

    The United States of America must face the fact that its traditions, heritage, language, culture, system of governance, and its borders are going to be replaced by 21st century colonists, from various countries around the world, who will continue invading its territory until the dominion of foreign nations over the traditional USA is complete.

    Our Constitution, and our nation’s history, will also be incrementally rewritten to appease the demands of tens of millions (perhaps hundreds of millions) of unwanted newcomers who have come to America to plunder it, not to preserve it.

    Thank you Democrats Sen. Ted Kennedy and President Lyndon Johnson for creating the death knell of what was once considered the greatest nation on earth. And thank you Republicans for cowering at the opportunities you have had over the decades to reverse the illegal alien invasion dilemma.

    No Democrats, and only a handful of Republicans, have tried to preserve our nation’s heritage. Both parties have shown us that their reckless disregard for our nation’s immigration laws is more paramount to them than respect for their citizens. Downright disgusting. No other word could describe it.

    I told you so.

    Jim Gilchrist, Founder and President, The Minuteman Project

  8. Jim Gilchrist says

    Responsible diversity is a better way, Denise. If you believe in, and follow, the pathway of Americanism established by our Founding Fathers, then it makes no matter what race, color, or creed you are. I have as many enemies among the white population in this country as I do among the non-white population. Bigotry comes in every race, color, or creed. People of all races, colors, and creeds respect me for my character and integrity, not my color.

  9. Jim Gilchrist says

    I must agree. That is the result when immigration policy and laws are deliberately ignored by the charlatans of political governance we have elected over the decades.

  10. Jim Gilchrist says

    Yes, he is Batman! 🙂

    Trump for president.

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