Ann Coulter: Illegals Kill Way More Americans Than ISIS

Ann Coulter’s latest column is heartbreaking as it catalogs just a fraction of the vicious crimes committed by illegal aliens and compares that to the national security “crisis” represented by ISIS.

You can always tell the media are hiding something when they obsessively focus on Muslim atrocities someplace else in the world. Cable TV could cover Muslim atrocities 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from 632 A.D. to the end of time, without repeating themselves.

Putting ISIS in perspective

ISIS has killed four Americans — in Syria. We’re not exactly talking about another 9/11. Here’s a tip: If you don’t want to be killed by ISIS, don’t go to Syria.

Meanwhile, illegal aliens have killed, raped, and maimed thousands of Americans — in America. If you don’t want to be killed, raped, or maimed by illegal immigrants in your own country, I have no tips for you. There’s nothing you can do. You’re on your own. Good luck.

Prepare yourself because Coulter gives us just a TWO WEEK sample of the carnage created by illegal aliens in America:

With the media’s Soviet-style censorship about immigrant crime, unless a member of your immediate family has been killed by an illegal alien, you might not have noticed the growing death toll, but here are some small, below-the-fold local news items just from the last two weeks.

On Monday of this week, Jaime Balam, an illegal alien from Mexico, appeared in court in San Francisco to face charges that he shot three American college students, one fatally, because they happened to be wearing the wrong colors. “I would never expect something like this to happen in my life,” the murder victim’s father said. “These guys, they destroyed my life, me and family, for nothing.”

Also this week, Juan Javier Mejia was captured in Mexico and returned to the U.S. to face charges that he and his half-brother, Abram Daniel Palacios, gunned down Ivan Carrillo in San Jacinto, California. Mejia has previous convictions in this country for rape and assault with intent to commit rape and burglary, while his half-brother Palacios has prior convictions for narcotics possession, criminal threats and spousal battery.

Also just this week, jury selection began in the trial of illegal alien Dora Ramirez, who, along with her illegal alien husband, Ulises Arturo Reyes Mercado, is alleged to have lured her lover to a rural area of Alabama, where they shot him in the head, execution-style, then fled back to Mexico. Ramirez later returned to live in Decatur, Alabama, with her illegal alien parents, while Mercado is presumably still in Mexico, eagerly awaiting his “family reunification” under Obama.

Last Friday, Feb. 21, Margarita Garabito was convicted in the brutal beating death of her 10-year-old stepdaughter. When the girl was found, she had an open 7-inch wound on her skull, all her ribs had been broken and her body was covered with bruises. Or, as Garabito said — through a Spanish interpreter — “God knows I have a good heart.” Well, I think that goes without saying, Margarita.

The day before that, on Feb. 20, Bassel Saad, the Lebanese immigrant who killed John Bieniewicz at a soccer game in Livonia, Michigan, last year, pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Last Tuesday, Feb. 17, illegal alien Juan Ramon Garcia tried to run over a U.S. Border Patrol agent with his car, according to authorities. Garcia had five more illegal aliens in his vehicle. He’s charged with assault on a federal officer, human smuggling and impersonating Suge Knight.

The previous week, on Feb. 11, illegal immigrant Ricardo Picasso was sentenced to 139 years in prison for murdering 25-year-old Eric Reyes at a house party in Lindsay, California. His lawyer is pretty sure he can get that down to just a century.

On Feb. 6, the same day that ISIS killed Kayla Mueller — the most recent American to be killed in a country thousands of miles away from here — 17-year-old Jacob Koffman was stabbed to death in a residential area of Sherman Oaks, California. Police arrested Ennio Avolio and are still looking for two other Hispanic men who were seen fleeing the crime scene.

ISIS is not at our doorstep. Illegal immigrants are not only at our doorstep, but millions of them are already through the door, murdering far more Americans than ISIS ever will.

Obama’s open borders policy is a security disaster. That’s clear, the only question now is: will the GOP do anything about it.


  1. All one has to do is google americans killed by illegal aliens and pull up the horror stories…more of our citizens are killed by illegal aliens then soldiers killed in the middle east…..

  2. spintreebob says

    Coulter embarasses conservatives. Illegals mostly kill other immigrants…non-Americans, not Americans. Out of 11 million (or whatever) 1,100 killers would be 0.1%. Not such a high rate. Don’t get me wrong. Immigration enforcement should focus on the undesireables: Murderers, rapists, welfare parasites, DUI Drivers. To focus on those who work and take care of their families takes manpower and money away from the undesireables. We need to focus where the real problem is.

  3. For Obama’s aiding and abetting the entry and Occupation of this country, he shares responsibility for any and all crimes committed by ILLEGALS and should be dealt with as a co-conspirator!

  4. Erica Stuart says

    Counter is right and she is not my favorite. We are setting ourselves up like Britain and France former colonialist who dismembered the M.E. Now we be a target of revenge as well..
    Don’t count on Bibi as a loyal ally they are for their interest as we should be after OUR SECURITY, we the people are you first concern Obama. Boots on the ground are an insult, those booths hold human feet.

  5. NO!! We need to enforce our immigration laws period! It’s long over due since 1986.

  6. charlie Hall says

    I really do not care EXCEPT THEY SHOULD NOT BE HERE. Screw the word undocumented. They are here unlawfully or ILLEAGELY they must be deported and the Borders secured. Go into Mexico( or any other country) the way our borders are breached and see what will happens.
    I have NO problem with immigration or immigrants. There are ways to become a US citizen and they MUST BE enforced PERIOD.
    You do not get to pick and chose the Laws you want to obey and the ones you don’t .

  7. Guys, let’s be honest here, immigration will never stop because Americans, (all races) do not want to do cheap and dirty work. In fact, Holywood denigrates McDonalds work and glamorizes high paying jobs. Immigrants come to the U.S and work their ass off but their children born here don’t want to do the same work, so the country once again needs another wave of immigrants. And the cycle never ends. The only time there was no need for immigrant waves was during slavery. One thing that strikes me though, is that while these sites are always outraged about latino immigrants, they never say anything about Hindu and Chinese who are coming in by droves. Lastly, you should be happy that your main immigrants are latinos who become americanized quickly, unlike Europe which is being taken over by Muslims bent on a real conquest.

  8. Funny, but between the 1920 and the 1960s when there was an immigration pause, there were no cries about lack of labor.

    And this “jobs Americans won’t do” is just code for “jobs Americans won’t do for pitiful wages”.

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