Ann Coulter: Freeze immigration for 10 years

Author and political commentator Ann Coulter recently told PJ Media that there should be a 10-year freeze on immigration to the U.S. since the federal government has demonstrated it can’t enforce current law:

“There’s a law on the books that says if a country will not take a criminal back the attorney general shall, not may, shall deny visas, any visas coming from that country – that is on the books right now. Has it been enforced by Republicans or Democrats? No, it has not,” Coulter said during an interview with PJ Media.

“There’s a law on the books right now that says an immigrant who has been convicted of a crime in America who does not cooperate in being sent home, that itself is a crime, not signing the papers, not showing up when you’re supposed to, that itself is a crime punishable by 4 years in prison – that’s never enforced. It’s just not enforced. Three times Congress has voted to build a fence and it never gets built,” she added.

According to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released 33,007 illegal immigrants with criminal records in 2013. Following these releases, 121 were charged with homicides.

Based on the research Coulter conducted, she concluded that a legal fix is not going to improve the immigration system.

“The entire thing has to be shut down. No more immigration for 10 years. We get our books in order. We assimilate the ones already here. Build a fence. Repeal anchor babies and then we start up with the pre-1970 immigration policies,” Coulter said.

“It’s not just Obama; Bush was the same way. Bush didn’t enforce it, either. The entire immigration bureaucracy is corrupt. It is run by and staffed by left-wingers who hate America who in other times would have been fighting with revolutionaries in Latin America and getting themselves arrested. Now they punish Americans here at home. They say we are racist, sexist, imperialistic, greedy, they want to transform America because they hate America,” she added.

Listen to the interview below:


  1. Angermanagement says

    Ann Coulter is great. She is honest and is sharing all the information many of us have known for quite along time. Illegal alien scourge is the most dangerous anti American scourge that the American people have ever faced. 25 Americans die everyday at the hands of the illegal alien parasites. The crimes they commit are vast and insurmountable. Thank Goodness for the likes of Donald Trump, Ann Coulter, Jeff Sessions, Steve King, Mike Lee and The few other Americans with voice for the American people.

  2. Camel Dung lover says

    Hey, Boehner, hey McConnel, are you listening?

  3. Camel Dung lover says

    how many of you folks out there know that this country has already done what Ann is talking about? Yes, it was the 1920’s, and we were overwhelmed by too much immigration( like today), so we enacted a “moratorium’ on immigration. That’s right, we shut it off for the good of the country. Let’s do it again for obvious reasons. Any body have a problem with that, then go home, and fix your old country.

  4. Also due to the shortage of jobs for our citizens all immigration and work vistas need to be stopped for 10 yrs, possibly longer as it should be based on the needs of our citizens!

  5. sherri palmer says

    Ten years is not long enough, illegal aliens have 500,000 babies every year not counting multiple births. In 10 years those babies will have babies, they have babies EARLY, the age of consent is 11-13…GET ALL OF THEM OUT OF HERE, NOTHING BUT BABY MAKING MACHINES THAT USE EVERY WELFARE BENEFIT THAT WE HAVE! No more from south of the border, only take in people from Europe and not muslims! and only 1000 every 20 years and not from every country!

  6. Dennis B Anderson says

    Its time to kick them all out that are here illegally now. All of them just try and run amuck on another countrys laws and you end up in jail period there Obie 2 Tone. He knows what a period is he says it often enough maybe we should use a napkin and stuff it in his mouth to shut his black asp up. Hes very free in giving away our countrys resources!!
    Why is it everything this turd wants Washington gives him then complains about??

  7. John Henderson says

    I don’t know if I’d agree to stopping ALL immigration for 10 years. But I would agree on strictly limiting it way down from what it is now. The 1965 Immigration Act should have been amended long ago. And I would 100% agree with getting rid of the Birthright Citizenship clause that allows people to come here and have an anchor baby. Virtually no other country in the world allows that! We are rapidly becoming a nation of unassimilated strangers. She is right — we must allow time for those already here to become part of the American culture. This is not racist. This is survivalist. A nation can not long survive if its citizens feel stronger bonds to the places they came from than to the country they live in.

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