ACLU Demands Feds Provide Abortions to Illegals

Leave it to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to get right to the heart of the crisis of unaccompanied minors pouring over our virtually undefended Southern Border.

Instead of urging young Hondurans, Mexicans, Guatemalans and other Central American youth to stay home and not illegally enter the United States, the ACLU is demanding charities that provide assistance to the young illegals also provide abortions.

According to reports, 60-80% of female illegal minors crossing the border are subjected to sexual assault.  So, in the ACLU’s mind, this means charities like the U.S. Conference of catholic Bishops, who contract with the government to provide services to the illegals must also provide contraception and abortions on demand.

The ACLU reports that recently, the federal government released proposed regulations requiring federal contractors who care for unaccompanied minors to provide access to contraception, emergency contraception, and abortion if a teen has been raped. In response, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, one of the groups that received a government-funded contract to provide care to these teens, said any requirement that they provide information about contraception or abortion, even a referral or the arrangement for such services, would violate their religious freedom.

USCCB argues that its religious beliefs should allow it to violate the terms of the contract.

Many of the faith-based groups working with the unaccompanied illegal minors would scale back participation rather than submit to the ACLU’s demand.

The new rule would leave faith-based groups with no choice but “to restrict their work,” which “could create an unmanageable backlog for services” for unaccompanied minor children.

“We believe that, through practical discussions, we can find a resolution that allows the government to fulfill its obligation to care for unaccompanied children, while also respecting the religious and moral beliefs of faith-based organization that, to date, have provided such critical care for this vulnerable population,” the bishops’ group said.

Six out of the nine national refugee resettlement groups in the United States are faith-based agencies, the bishops also noted.



  1. Hey ACLU. Held you are having to make staffing cuts. Sounds like to me that you are in over your heads.

  2. Makes total sense to a maniac ?

  3. Again this guy claims which group is into the ACLU.
    (I didn’t write the article)

    * Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith, (there is no end to their organizations), filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.

  4. the American says

    well you could say this is a win-win if illegals get to have abortions. … they can’t have anchor babies…perplexing…. i know. ….

  5. I say fine, as long as they sterilize them at the same time. They already breed like rabbits, it would save us billions in Medicaid payments.

  6. sherri palmer says

    We don’t have to do that, build the damn fence, kick their asses out of our country and don’t give any more foreign aid to any South American country, EVER!

  7. sherri palmer says

    These are disgusting people…not so much as a band aid…when the women came across in the first surge in 2014, not only they didn’t have diapers for their many babies, they had the nerve not to even have feminine protection for themselves, who leaves home without!?

  8. the American says

    It’s all relative to the question of standards of living and exactly how these 3rd world parasites will and do continue to diminish ours (Americans ).

  9. You’re right, we should cut off aid to Mexico and Central America. The leaders just steal the money and dump their poverty here anyway.

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