Archives for December 2015

Obama’s Religious Test for Refugees Bars Christians

Barack Obama and the mainstream media have been braying for weeks about Donald Trump and his so-called “religious test” banning Muslims from immigrating to the United States. But it turns out Barack Obama already has a “religious test” for refugees . . . no Christians allowed. Those Syrian refugees, who we are supposedly vetting thoroughly, […]

US vetting of Social media of immigrants hamstrung by Obama

How Well Is US Vetting Social Media of Immigrants? San Bernardino Attack Sparks Debate Josh Siegel / @SiegelScribe / December 17, 2015 / 16 comments Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, pictured with President Barack Obama and Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Craig Fugate, says there are “legal limits” for reviewing social media of foreigners looking to enter the U.S. (Photo: […]

Paul Ryan’s Spending Bill Contains A Nasty Immigration Surprise

Conservatives ‘Shocked’ by Change to Immigration Law Tucked Inside Spending Bill House conservatives are up in arms over a provision in the omnibus spending bill that could allow more than a quarter-million temporary guest workers into the U.S. As a significant change to immigration law, the measure stunned conservative lawmakers, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told The […]

Spending Bill Has $4 BILLION in Welfare for Illegals

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions took to the Senate floor to highlight several provisions of the $1.1 trillion spending bill currently making its way through Congress. As part of this legislation, Obama demanded and received from the GOP Senate and House leadership as much as $4 billion in tax credits for illegal aliens which are as […]

“Beltway Crapweasel” Rubio’s Ties to Open Borders Billionaires

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin runs down GOP presidential contender Marco Rubio’s long association with and financial ties to Big Business billionaires who are seeking to import millions of cheap foreign laborers. Facebook, Microsoft and Silicon Valley back Marco Rubio. Mark Zuckerberg is a social justice CEO who panders to Hispanics with his pro-amnesty, anti-deportation advocacy; […]

Hours From Passage Amnesty Scuttled After Cantor’s Stunning Defeat

A new PBS documentary looks at the 2014 Congressional vote on amnesty for illegal aliens and shows exactly how close the GOP Congress came to caving in to the illegal alien lobby and handing Barack Obama a huge political victory. After the Senate passed the comprehensive immigration reform bill, the activity shifted to the House […]