Archives for November 2015

Rand Paul makes massive move to cut off US government cash to Syrian refugees

Liberal plans to give Syrian refugees a plush life in the United States at taxpayer expense may be wrecked by a senatorial monkey-wrench. “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) came to the Senate floor on November 19th and withdrew cloture motions on the spending bill for the Department of Transportation and Department of Housing and Urban […]

Eco nutjobs refuse to listen to science, hand over American Sovereignty

The Al Gore Show, aka the United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, scheduled for next week (Nov. 30-Dec. 11), is preparing participating nations for a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers to prosecute us for […]

American Sovereignty threatened by UN Human Rights Commission

Oh, dear Lord, the United Nations is now embedding itself in our nation’s capital. Yet another attack on our sovereignty from the “One-Worlders.” Right now, the United Nations human rights agency is creating a new “regional hub” for itself in Washington, to use as a center for organizing against American practices like the death penalty. […]

Some States Talk About Border Security. Arizona Is Taking Action

While the presidential candidates clash over how to handle illegal immigration and border security, Arizona is doing something about it. When Doug Ducey ran for governor, he made doing something about all the illegal activity on the border with Mexico a cornerstone of his campaign. Since taking office, he has made a high-profiled effort to deliver. His latest […]

Will Supreme Court Bail Out Obama Again Over Amnesty?

President Barack Obama is going back to the Supreme Court in order to bail out one of his major policy disasters. On Friday, Obama’s lawyers begged the Court to overturn federal district and appeals courts and rule that his executive actions on amnesty for illegal aliens are constitutional.  Legal papers filed on Friday call for […]

Soros-Backed Fake Conservative Ads Push For More Terrorist Refugees

Ads pushing for allowing virtually unlimited terrorist-infused Islamic refugees into the United States have been popping up all over the internet over the past few days. These ads, quoting Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, are meant to indicate significant conservative support for unlimited admittance of Muslim “refugees.” However, it turns out these ads are sponsored […]