Archives for October 2015

Hillary: Give Obamacare to Illegals

Hillary Clinton announced she now supports offering Obamacare to illegal aliens after opposing it for most of the last decade. She completed the flip-flop during the Democratic presidential debate last night after video emerged of her testimony before Congress: “We do not think the comprehensive healthcare benefits should be extended to those who are undocumented […]

Trump: Ryan is weak on immigration

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump argued that Representative Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)  is “very weak” on illegal immigration. Watch the latest video at Trump stated, [relevant remarks begin around 2:40 of the video] “Well, I’m a little concerned about, you know, Paul [Ryan], because, if you look at his thing on illegal immigration, it’s very weak. […]

Local NJ Cities Making It Easier for Illegals to Tap Welfare With Local ID Cards

A growing number of cities in New Jersey are issuing municipal ID cards to illegal aliens to make it easier for them to tap into welfare and other benefits. At least 6 New Jersey local jurisdictions already issue the municipal ID cards and many other areas are considering following suit.  Supporters are open about why […]

B.S. ALERT: Obama praises Bush immigration law he tried to scuttle

How Obama Has Divided America for Political Gains A politician being cynical is not exactly a “man bites dog” story, as seven years of President Barack Obama has taught us. But when the president goes in front of a Hispanic audience and praises the Bush immigration law he personally helped scuttle, cynicism reaches new heights. […]

Fiorina Says No to Amnesty

GOP Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina told an Arizona audience she opposed amnesty for illegal aliens and that border security was a priority. “My view is that if you’ve come here illegally, you don’t have a pathway to citizenship,” Fiorina said in response to a question from a Scottsdale resident. “There is an opportunity to earn […]

Jerry Brown’s Motor Voter Act basically gives illegals the vote

On October 10th, (a Saturday when people were distracted), California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1461, the New Motor Voter Act, which automatically registers people to vote through the DMV. In a state full of illegal aliens, this is going to result in many of them voting. According to Breitbart, Any person who renewed […]