Deportations of immigrants has plunged over the last 12 months the lowest levels since 2006. In addition, deportations of dangerous criminals have hit a new rock bottom since Obama took office. The overall total of 231,000 deportations generally does not include Mexicans who were caught at the border and quickly returned home by the U.S. […]
Archives for October 2015
Hannity Endorses “Brakes” on Immigration
Conservative pundit Sean Hannity endorsed Sen. Jeff Session’s idea of putting the brakes on the massive flood of immigration opened by President Obama. In particular, Hannity cited recent jobs data to show immigration is killing job creation for native-born Americans and restricting wage growth for most American workers. Hannity said, “I look into the job gains, […]
Latest Scam: Illegal Aliens are Just “Spontaneous Arrivals”
Open Borders activists practice a kind of Newspeak, changing the language normal people use to communicate simple concepts into tortured constructions which pass by almost unnoticed. Of course their most famous word swap is forcing mainstream media outlets to call illegal aliens “undocumented workers.” Now, they are pushing another word swap. Now, even “illegal immigration” […]
Obama’s Immigration Flood Sweeps Away American Middle Class
Thanks to Barack Obama’s massive increase in immigration both legal and illegal, the job prospects for average Americans has nosedived and real wages have stalled making middle-class Americans poorer. In 2013, it [Obama’s immigration policies] flooded the weak job market with an astounding tsunami of three million additional new workers. That’s a shocking 85 percent increase […]
Feds Go After Border Patrol Agent for Murder of Rock Throwing Illegal
A Border Patrol agent has been charged by a federal grand jury with second-degree murder in a cross-border shooting incident. Agent Lonnie Swartz is accused of killing Elena Rodriguez during a rock-throwing incident near Nogales, Arizona. The Border Patrol has said that Elena Rodriguez was among a group of rock throwers endangering agents’ lives. His family […]
Illegals Could Put Hillary In White House in 2016
A new analysis shows just how illegal aliens could tip the 2016 Presidential election to Hillary Clinton even if no illegal alien casts a vote. Illegal immigrants—along with other noncitizens without the right to vote—may pick the 2016 presidential winner. Thanks to the unique math undergirding the Electoral College, the mere presence of 11-12 million illegal […]