Why Won’t Anyone Ask Marco Rubio About His Support for Amnesty?

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter asks the obvious question (that not a single debate moderator has the insight to ask): We have now had the fourth straight Republican debate in which Rubio was not asked one question about his single legislative accomplishment: Passing amnesty in the U.S. Senate. Rubio was Sen. Chuck Schumer’s patsy on the […]

Trump Says Ike Did It So Can We

Donald Trump forcefully fought off attacks by pro-illegal alien politicians like John Kasich and defended both a strong defense of our Southern Border and serious immigration law enforcement. “We are a country of laws,” the real estate mogul declared. “We need borders. We will have a wall. The wall will be built. The wall will […]

Kasich Backs Illegal Alien Amnesty

GOP Presidential candidate John Kasich gave a full-throated endorsement of amnesty for illegal aliens before a crowd of Hispanic business executives. Illegal immigrants are “a critical part of our society” and should be provided a route to amnesty, Republican presidential candidate John Kasich tells a coalition of Hispanic company executives. “For those that are here that […]