Huckabee: Fair Tax Would “Solve” Illegal Immigration

Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee visited a factory in Iowa recently touting his Fair Tax plan as a way to level the playing field for American workers against illegal immigrants. “One thing that does, it changes the whole idea of illegal immigration because it’s economically advantageous to pay the illegal because they can pay them […]

It Can Be Done! Hungary Builds Effective Border Wall In A Month

The Open Borders crowd constantly whines about how expensive and impracticable building a secure border fence is.  It’s so difficult that despite the fact its been authorized numerous times, very little of our Southern Border is currently fenced. However, building a secure border fence isn’t that hard, if you have the will  as the nation […]

Kansas County Wants to Cut Off Welfare for Illegals

County Commissioners in Sedgwick County, Kansas have petitioned the state to restrict the federally-mandated but state managed Woman, Infants and Children (WIC) welfare program to citizens and legal residents only. Chairman Richard Ranzau on Wednesday proposed that the county ask the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, which administers WIC money in the state, to […]

Latest Scam: Illegal Aliens are Just “Spontaneous Arrivals”

Open Borders activists practice a kind of Newspeak, changing the language normal people use to communicate simple concepts into tortured constructions which pass by almost unnoticed. Of course their most famous word swap is forcing mainstream media outlets to call illegal aliens “undocumented workers.” Now, they are pushing another word swap. Now, even “illegal immigration” […]

Ann Coulter – Trump, illegal vs. legal immigration and the Republican midgets

Donald Trump vs John McCain – Trump under fire – Ann Coulter weighs in on Sean Hannity’s show on FOX News. She is accused of only having one issue – immigration – by Hannity. How do you feel about it? [youtube]

Ann Coulter at The Reagan Foundation
