Local NJ Cities Making It Easier for Illegals to Tap Welfare With Local ID Cards

A growing number of cities in New Jersey are issuing municipal ID cards to illegal aliens to make it easier for them to tap into welfare and other benefits.new-jersey

At least 6 New Jersey local jurisdictions already issue the municipal ID cards and many other areas are considering following suit.  Supporters are open about why they want to put the cards into the hands of illegal aliens:


Helping unauthorized immigrants gain a foothold in the community is “extremely important” since they can’t get a driver’s license, said Sara Cullinane of the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice.

Without an ID, individuals often cannot open a bank account, access government services or, in some cases, receive commercial discounts for which they are eligible.

Accessing government services is code for welfare.  It seems the illegal alien community in New Jersey has been doing fine in the absence of these cards:

German Vergara, an undocumented immigrant from Ecuador, told NJ Advance Media that he has been unsuccessful in enrolling into an English as a second language class because he didn’t have an ID card.

“There are many situations where you need identification,” said Vergara, who has lived in Roselle for 13 years. “It is a problem when we only have something from our home country.”

Vergara lasted 13 years as an illegal alien in New Jersey without the card.

Some supporters believe the municipal ID card doesn’t go far enough.

the Rev. Seth Kaper-Dale, pastor of The Reformed Church of Highland Park, said officials and community members are giving thought to municipal ID cards.

However, Kaper-Dale said he’d much rather see a more robust effort — bills in the state to give unauthorized immigrants the right to a driver’s license — become law.

Having a driver’s license opens more of society to individuals as opposed to ID cards that have limited effect only in the community that issues them, he said.

“One of them is sort of symbolically nice,” he said, “and the other one is radically transformative.”

Yes, it would be “radically transformative”. It would make it much easier for illegal aliens to evade the law.


  1. Ah do these people even know what LAW means? Illegals are breaking our laws and they should be thrown out of the country not given handouts that law abiding citizens pay for. People how can you just sit back and allow them to break the law. File for benefits with the state that you are not entitled to and you will get taken to court, fined and possibly serve jail time but illegals come here against our laws and we give them gifts for breaking the law.

  2. Dumb is as dumb does.

  3. Jeanne Stotler says

    gee Whiz, It’s OK for them to break the law, which is a slap in the face of my Danish Grandparents. They spent a lot of money, about 2 mos. on a boat, had to sign papers !., able to support themselves, 2., pass a physical,3, swear allegianc that came e, 4. under oath, that they would never :be a burden to society”My grandfather was a baker, he and my Uncle ran a bakery in Fords, NJ for years, none of us grands speak Danish, WWII prevented us mostly, but we do know some polite terms, both my grandparents spoke good English as did 2 sets of Aunts and Uncles that came with them, Now these illegals come and expect us to change for them, NO WAY

  4. charlie Hall says

    I see my last post was deleted Gilchrist is no better than OBUMMER

    You people are REALLY screwed

  5. Vote for Trump! He’s our only hope to put an end to this insanity.

  6. sherri palmer says

    I am sick to my stomach…the dumb ass politicians in NJ have sold out to Obama…I am sick of it all! Chris Christie can take a flying leap in to the river! These damn politicians are working hard on open borders, making our country bankrupt, NWO, That damn Obama…I hope it all falls at his door! They are trying to elect the corrupt lesbian Hillary Clinton!

  7. New Jersey is already a high tax state. I wonder when the bills come due how the residents who pay those bills are going to feel.

  8. That only applies to White immigrants.

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