Will Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Push America into Third World Status in 2014?

Will Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Push America into Third World Status in 2014?Washington Times – As with other extremist crusades, important facts go unmentioned for the sake of perpetuating a narrative. Many of these facts relate to American Hispanics. Oft-heard voices claim that illegal alien amnesty will help the Hispanic community. Dr. Stephen Steinlight disagrees:

“Most are working poor with a high percentage of families on two major welfare programs. They’re clinging to the bottom rungs of the socio-economic ladder in the loosest labor market since the Great Depression. A tsunami in immigration would greatly intensify competition for scarce jobs, increase unemployment, drive down wages, and make upward mobility even harder for second and third-generation Hispanics whose socio-economic advancement has stagnated. It would also slow assimilation.”
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