Senate Democrats Put Obama Crony in Charge of DHS

Senate Democrats Put Obama Crony in Charge of DHSTown Hall – Senate Democrats voted 57-37 to end debate on the nomination of Jeh Johnson to head DHS. That’s three votes short of the traditional 60-vote filibuster threshold that Reid nuked last month. Johnson went on to win his appointment by a 78-16 margin.

News coverage instead stresses that Johnson is the “first African-American” to hold the No. 1 position at DHS. Because, you know, diversity will keep us safe. Here’s more you should know about Johnson: He’s a lifelong beneficiary of the government/law firm revolving door, dating back to the Clinton years. In a recent interview with a legal website, Johnson cheerfully bragged that his initial “foray into national security was a fluke, really. The Clinton White House recruited me to be general counsel of the Air Force. I had no idea what the job was about, had never been in the military and had never set foot in the Pentagon.”

Yep, a “fluke.” That’s a public confidence booster, huh? [Read More]