Sanctuary Cities: The Creation of Bungling, Amateur Politicians with Air-Tight Stupidity

Commentary by Jim GilchristDear America,

Over the past few decades our nation’s trusted leadership has been hijacked by persons of grotesque incompetence, selfishness, and air-tight stupidity.

It is painful to wake up every day now to an America that is no longer the great nation it once was, when it was managed under the leadership of exceptional political leaders.

Donald Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz have recently made all the difference in the world with their stoic determination to bring our nation back under its heralded stature as a “nation of laws,” as opposed to its recent history of a nation of illegal alien mob rule and political tyranny.

Every sanctuary city in the United States is the creation of the wayward, amateurish bungling of wannabe political leaders who have no business representing our society in public office.

But, we too, must accept some of the blame for letting these unconscionable political ghouls pirate our communities, our rules of law, and our domestic tranquility for their own obscure personal agendas.

We cannot riot in the streets to stop them, without being arrested and prosecuted, or shot dead by law enforcement.  But, we can give our voting support to those candidates who are truly sincere about returning America to a fair and equitable society governed by the rules of law.

Let’s do it, America! I give you Donald Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz. It will take a dynamic duo like them to fix what ails us as a floundering nation and a suffering society.

Sincerely Yours,

Jim Gilchrist,
Founder and President,
The Minuteman Project


  1. I disagree Jim, maybe it is time to riot. It seems to work for the Blacks.

  2. I agree jim. My concern is will there be another election? I feel as though Obama has intentionally set America into a death spiral. I also believe we are close to a calamity, either another war or global economic collapse. We must prepare for all contingencies. If we make it to next election Trump and Cruz have what it takes to restore our nation from the brink of dictatorship.

  3. Jim Gilchrist says

    The only people who seem to riot are those with nothing to lose…the very poor, who are also very angry and resentful of those who have “stuff.”

    Those of us who have “stuff,” like a home, kids in school, a job, property, vacation time, retirement income, etc., are not going to give up that “stuff” to go to war with their government. To do so would jeopardize all of their “stuff” and also their freedom if they are jailed and fined.

  4. Jim Gilchrist says

    I think the economic collapse will occur before the calamity of world war, or a major global-type war.

    Unless the USA is directly attacked, I will speak out against the US sending its kids into war fare. My war was Vietnam. What a waste of such good young men. I think of my dead Marine buddies every day. They were literally sent to an early death on the altar of some politicians’ political intrigue.

    No war, unless it is to defend our shores. A war with Mexico would be in order, since it has been invading the USA for several decades now without any consideration of the consequences. I have always suggested deploying U.S. Army Rangers ( 100,000 of them) into northern Mexico to seize the territory and eradicate every single drug cartel and human cargo cartel there. Mexico is neither a friend nor an ally of our country. Never have been; never will be.

  5. Not if enough people stand up. They’ll be too scared and that’s what they need is to be scared instead of blowing us off.

  6. ClarenceDeBarrows says

    Well said, Jim, but one comment. There’s been talk of a Trump – Palin ticket. That would seem to me to be a tough duo to beat given the fact that we would have a savvy lady on the ticket with Trump rather than another guy. With Hillary on the other side it only makes sense. I’ve said it before, but I’ll repeat myself, I believe in the mandates inherent in our Constitution and to circumvent them is not my idea of the thinking of the type of politician I want to support. Cruz is not a “natural born Citizen” as required by Article ll of our Constitution of anyone running for the office of President and he knows it, but that doesn’t deter him – and/or Rubio – from doing just that. For my money that’s showing disregard for our Founding document and, given any other viable alternative, I would support no candidate that did that, even though every politician in DC is comfortable ignoring that mandate. That kind of thinking by “our betters” is what got us in the situation we face in our Country today.

  7. Kudos, Jim. Well put unfortunately it’s going to take a long time to fix as it’s not only a Washington problem but a voter problem. The Romney 47% does not want to give up their booty. A major portion of the remainder have their heads up their butts and think Hillary is the answer as well as thinking the current administration is doing a good job.

  8. sherri palmer says

    Perhaps, congress should not be allowed to make laws because they make the most idiotic laws that have no safe guards and no sane values in them.

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