Poll: 53% of registered voters want Congress to defund Obama’s amnesty

The Washington Examiner — The new GOP-run Congress has the green light to defund President Obama’s executive actions, especially his bid to grant worker amnesty to some 4 million illegal immigrants, according to a new poll released Thursday.

Paragon Insights found that 58 percent of registered voters oppose Obama’s worker amnesty program and 53 percent support Congress stripping away funding for the plan.

What’s more, more than seven-in-10 support new legislation to strengthen laws making it illegal for businesses to hire illegal immigrants, including a majority of Democrats.

The poll of 1,593 showed an overweight of Democrats to Republicans, 36 percent to 29 percent.

Q: President Obama has taken executive action allowing as many as four million undocumented immigrants to avoid deportation and seek jobs in the United States. Do you support or oppose Obama’s executive action?

Overall, 58 percent oppose, 36 percent support. Among Democrats, 60 percent support, 33 percent oppose. Among Republicans, 12 percent support, 86 percent oppose. Among independents, 32 percent support, 60 percent oppose.

Q: The Republicans in Congress say that the president’s action is unlawful and violates federal law which blocks illegal immigrants from holding jobs in the United States. They have said they may take away federal funding so this order cannot be carried out. Do you support or oppose Republicans in Congress taking away federal funding for this executive order?

Overall, 36 percent oppose, 53 percent support. Among Democrats, 29 percent support, 60 percent oppose. Among Republicans, 81 percent support, 12 percent oppose. Among independents, 54 percent support, 32 percent oppose.

Q: Would you support or oppose Congress passing new legislation that strengthen the rules making it illegal for businesses in the U.S. to hire illegal immigrants?

Overall, 71 percent support, 21 percent oppose. Among Democrats, 57 percent support, 32 percent oppose. Among Republicans, 88 percent support, 7 percent oppose. Among independents, 70 percent support, 21 percent oppose.


  1. sherri palmer says

    I have to say that I have read and heard that the number to defund this amnesty is higher than 53%; I would like to see a poll that does something with its numbers like if its 79% against, then so be it; has there been a poll for how many are opposed to this SOB not being impeached…probably 95%, with that 5% being dumb Islamic, democraps, period.

  2. Mike Laborde says

    Deport all illegal aliens.

  3. Angermanagement says

    Self deportation strategies. Cheap, very effective. What are they waiting for? This is our country, they have no pride, self esteem or morals our they wouldn’t beg in a country that does not want them. Where they are detested!

  4. Angermanagement says

    It was 79% on January 4, 2015. The people of this country are beyond feed up.

  5. The problem is simple…the people have spoken and washington ignores us! They all want to win hispanic votes but my family and I will Not vote for anyone such as Bush, Rubio, Christ and the rest of the phonies who support illegals over citizens so we will simply not vote at all if they run one of these big business wants cheap labor losers! Double fence the border, mandate national e verify, stop all state and federal benefits to illegals, print all materials in English including school books and change the birthright citizenship law to read that a child born here is a citizen if the mother is a citizen at the time of the childs birth,,,,then our citizens will have jobs and lower taxes!!!

  6. I just sent my Congressmen a fax concerning obama sending people to Israel to disrupt their election! This is against international law and our DO-NOTHING Congress is allowing it to happen at taxpayers expense! You are correct that the numbers are very high! It is a shame that Congress allows the cancer in DC to spread! I guess the voters were speaking to the wrong people last November!


  8. the sooner the better
    even the guy
    in our house

  9. sherri palmer says

    of course Rubio is thinking of running, he wants the Hispanic vote

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