“Particularly Violent” Illegal Alien Rapist Gets 60 Years

Joaquin Orellana Torres was sentenced to 60 years in prison for a brutal rape of a young woman along the Northwest Branch Trail in Silver Spring, MD.

“This was a particularly violent rape… stranger-on-stranger. He repeatedly hit and kicked her.” Deputy State’s Attorney Laura Chase said before Judge William Simmons. “The facts in this case are egregious. The evidence is very strong – overwhelming, actually.”

That list of alleged proof includes DNA samples, a strong composite sketch, and Orellana Torres’ own confession to the crime following his arrest.

“He stuck a knife to her throat, and threatened her with bodily harm, if not death, to commit those sex acts that he wanted that day,” Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office spokesman Ramon Korionoff remarked.

Federal officials confirmed Torres, a native of El Salvador, was in the United States illegally. They are now investigating his case.

Which is a surprise since this is not the first time Torres has been involved in a sex crime while in the United States illegally.

Court records obtained by ABC7 show Orellana Torres has a history of sex crimes. In Dec. 2008, while enrolled at Albert Einstein High School in Kensington, police arrested the then 18-year-old for assaulting a female student.

“Even when I said ‘no’, he proceeded to try to unbutton my pants,” the female victim wrote in a police report.

In 2009, Orellana Torres was found guilty of Second Degree Assault. A judge later sentenced the 5’10” 150 pound teenager to two years probation and 60 hours of community service.

Apparently, second degree assault by an 18 year old isn’t enough to push federal immigration officials into action.  One wonders if Torres had gotten away with his crime, he would have also qualified for Obama’s DREAMer amnesty program like the predatory murderer of an America’s Next Top Model contestant in North Carolina.



  1. greyhound bus says
  2. sherri palmer says

    After he serves his 60 years, deport his ass!

  3. The Usurpers idea of a ‘model import soldier’ just the kind of trash he lust after for his Transformation of America… They both loath America and it’s people!

  4. TexRancher says

    The law won’t work until his enablers are prosecuted along with him! This slime should have been deported the first time,
    but he wasn’t because ???? One of Obama’s new voters!

  5. Dennis B Anderson says

    People its time for the administration be torn down now. We no longer have a government for the people. We are at a cross road when we have young blacks threaten people for no reason. They can no loger blame Bush for no jobs and the pressure from immigration. This is Obie 2 Tones business not the middle class white mans. Obie 2 Tones wins the prize and its not the Noble Peace Prize again. Finland this is where Obama spent your tax dollars on a electric car company and the doors were closed on the second day. No he gets the prize = Naggar of the year.

  6. DrSique says

    If he does all sixty, he probably won’t live to be deported. He may, however, find out what being raped feels like………………….maybe twice a day for sixty years……..by gangs of skinheads.

  7. Dons621 says

    He got off to easy, my punishment involves a tree stump some nails, gasoline, a match , and a knife and about 3 minutes. Guaranteed he will never rape again!!!

  8. One of Obama’s chosen ones? We have slime on our streets and pond scum setting a lawless tone in the Offal Office. Never have we been this lawless. Not ever. Even the heyday of the Mafia was a better time, and good citizens did something about it and ended it Not anymore.

  9. Yeah, and when the scumbag gets out of jail they still won’t deport him. They put him on Social Security.

  10. well alex if you have photos of these animals,send these threats along with the videos to the fbi all law enforcements and doj.you have the videos of these thugs so put the videos and photos on the the internet.and now you have there faces and the time and place of these threats.and have them arrested for threatening your life.don,t let them get away with it.and keep exposing these faces to the world.and show everyone who and what they are.and keep exposing them everyday

  11. And do you really think the “white” Republicans will be any different?
    Only a handful of Republicans are decent. I am disgusted beyond words. And Hillary is screaming to do even worse damage with these Third World invaders if she is in power.
    They will be first class citizens if she wins as if they aren’t already!

  12. We now have criminal illegals entering tented fumigated homes in order to rob Americans and illegals cutting down copper wiring on electrical poles! And home invasion cases never seen before in the U.S. I don’t have enough room to include all new crimes in the U.S. today. Welcome to the new United States of America!

  13. Dennis B Anderson says

    Hitler-y just announced she was for immigration right now it will bring families together??? What the hell do I care about a wet back that will take my son or daughters jobs?? Next havent heard yet about the compensation the american citizens will get back for there investment in Cuba. Were talking about 1.5 billion back in January 1 1959 when the new drug czar Castro showed up and Batista advocated. Just the 35,000 dumb asped Cubans to drag housing vouchers and food stamps just like the unwanted immigrant mexicans are doing.

  14. Dennis B Anderson says

    Hey I like this idea well call ourselve the american army and we wont take any prisoners start hanging them save bullets.. Starting with Obie 2 Tone.

  15. Everyone just relax and vote for the Hildebeast, since she has promised to save us all by throwing the Salarian Gates open for all of the semi-literate barbarian savages to come into our nation and eat out our substance.

    Considering that 52 percent of the American electorate were such drooling, mouth-

    breathing, Kool-Aid drinkers that they voted The Zero into power TWICE, it seems pretty obvious which way our next “election” will go.

    Get ready for the Queen B|tch to take over and put the final nails into Liberty’s coffin. That is, if The Zero does not put her into one of her own first.

    Buy More Λmmo. Doing so is the only viable treatment for ODDD (Obamunist Douchebag Distrust Disorder). Support your local Militia and/or your local Oath Keepers. This won’t end pretty, America.

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